Arquivo para a ‘crowdsourcing’ Categoria

To be, the crowd and class

18 Jul

Crowd is the name of an immanence. The crowd is a set of singularities and not a homogeneous unit of supporters uniformed and carrying the same flag.

It is from this premise that one can outline a conceptualization of ontology that do not hold the human being to ideological schemes or temporal freedom and transcendence.Conceptualization is when the concept is not homogeneous and allows the multiplicity.ClassCrowd

In history, it was determined the people and not the crowd, although Spinoza and Leibniz have outlined.

The concept of people has been delineated within the hegemonic tradition of modernity was made by Hobbes, Rousseau and Hegel and produced, each in its own way but all idealists, a concept of people seated in the transcendence of the sovereign: the heads of these authors, the crowd was considered as war and chaos and so they formed the concept of the modern state to which postmodernity drew attention.

On this basis, the thought of modern operates in a manner bipolar abstracting the one hand, the multiplicity of singularities in transcendentalmente the unifying concept of people, and dissolving the other hand, the set of singularities (which is the crowd ) to form a mass of individuals.

The modern theory of natural law is rooted in empirical or ideological, is always thinking of transcendence and dissolution of the plane of immanence.

The theory of the crowd requires, instead, that the subjects speak for themselves: it is much more of singularities non-representable individuals that owners of knowledge and social production.

The crowd is a class concept, the article says Antonio Negri(*), and does not seem uncomfortable this definition since it still time a crowd of people exploited and the logic of power does not seem to reach them.

Indeed, the crowd is always productive and always in motion.

Considered from a temporal perspective, the crowd is exploited for production; a spatial point of view, the crowd is still exploited, as it constitutes a productive society, social cooperation for production.

There are several perspectives that link to this social cooperation.

The classes had a role in history, now is the time the crowd.

Negri (2002), “Pour une multitude de la définition ontologique en Multitudes No. 9, Paris, Exils.


The network society and be

17 Jul

There are several authors, from Husserl and Heidegger claimingNetworkToBe to be a return to the essence of man and also its relationship with all that is around you, in a way also the nature, although this is still neglected. You can delve into this topic referring to Levinas and Ricoeur, these most current, and also somehow Habermas and Morin, but we want to focus only on “networks”.

Castells is one of the main authors to discover this topic, especially if we think that he wrote in 1996, when “social networks” were just sketches and not popular. In one of the threads of its three volumes written that society would each see a more structured bipolarity between the network and be. It is amazing and no doubt a thorough review of the anthropological and ontological being, where man must overcome resistance and barriers to emerging society that would be the “network society”.

Castells(*) captures something essential is that this historical revision or change of being (and being that eludes him) would allow the emergence of a new society, where the sense of isolation and lack of identity, where there is a lack of consistent principles and values ​​that may guide both the behavioral process as set guidelines for a new life of every being.

The author seems to put the company on the horizon of a true humanity, and thus we still can not let disappear the tension between the ideal (which is not virtual, because it has the potential of existence) and the real, which is the life of man as a historical being. The author does not guide the ontological way for a collective society, where models, actors and locations seem to balance the technological revolution mechanically consciences in order to give consistency and objectivity to the social roots of the “revolution.”

Returning to the first principles, with all the technology, it is in society and in man (for this so ontological) that the whole structure of society change and should emerge.

* Manuel Castells write “The Rise of the Network Society”.



The citizenry and the crowd

16 Jul

The essential concept of citizen, went to Hobbes, in thepeopleCrowd design of the citizenry (which expresses an opinion or an ideology nowadays) was simplified as a unit, as if it were a single body with one will, so most sociologists will use binary settings (although it is intended to analog), as with the people or against either left or right, but the crowd has multiple nature, although it may converge.

Crowd with a political concept was first used by Machiavelli, but the really important concept was promoted by the philosopher Spinoza, Leibniz and somehow that differed from the notion of people of Hobbes, a notion used by sociology and politics to the present day.

The very concept of multitude is multiple, is the definition of socialist Crowd Hardt and Negri printed in contemporary book of that name, is a conservative view PEE century, Gustave Le Bon, quoted by James Surowiecki in “The Wisdom of Crowds “Editora Record, 2006 or crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe (Wired).

But the crowd practice, which is on the streets and using the various social networking tools (facebook, youtube, twitter and Instagram) which appears to refer to the definitions technological Jeff Howe (“The Power of the crowd, Campus, 2nd. Ed. 2008) or Manuel Castells’ Network Society “(Paz e Terra, brazilian edition, 1999) actually  the streets to escape all these concepts because what emerges is a new anthropology, where every citizen expresses himself freely and rejects all munipulação and new media are a tool for this.

The closest thing that can be thought is an brazilian intellectual and geologist “Milton Santos” with a concept he called “trans-individuality” and which has a real answer to globalization that produces only “verticality” states: “The current trend is that the places unite vertically and all is done to it, everywhere. International credits are made available to the poorest countries to allow networks to be established in the service of big capital. But everywhere [and people] also can be joined horizontally rebuilding that base of common life may create local standards, regional standards. “(p. 260) The return of the territory. In Territorio e movimentos. Osal Ano VI # 16 January-April, 2005.

But while the logic of power, we has two options side A or B, both away from the crowd.


The Facebook went offline on Tuesday

20 Jun

The Facebook went offline on Tuesday (18/06) for Manifestacoesabout 15 minutes as it was the height of the demonstrations and networks are being intensely used, there were protests on Twitter, while the site had the message: “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on getting this fixed as soon as we can. “.
So far there has been no explanation, but the fall also affected countries such as Chile, Argentina, Mexico and even the United States.Facebook has not yet ruled on the matter.
While the problem occurred, many users turned to Twitter to complain about the situation, and took the opportunity to expand the call for demonstrations.

Well as capital, medium cities of Araraquara, Bauru, Pocos de Caldas, Foz de Iguaçu and many other events also occurred.
In Cotia town, in greater São Paulo, there were 10,000 people around the Raposo Tavares highway, on Tuesday when I returned home.
Politicians praise, but send the police, the fund has fear that discover all the people that make outrageous with public funds, but the crowd agreed.


Castells, hope and ticket-free

18 Jun

Castells’s new book is called “Networks of indignation and hope,”Participação he said in his meeting Boundaries of Thought in 2013, in Brasil.

He explained that when a fact provokes the indignation, and many feel the possibility of being together, they feel like many may think are outside the institutional framework, cool but not always morally right, there comes the hope of doing something different.

Stating that are not just a fact that triggers a process of discontent in our case we have: corruption, insecurity and inflation begins to give the guys, but why this happens.

According to Castells, is because citizens of the world does not feel represented by democratic institutions.

Can no longer appeal to the old story of real democracy, not now, networks keeps everyone informed and institutional propaganda and reality is totally transparent.

According to Castells, is against this democratic practice in which the political class appropriates a form representation, but that is not accountable in no time and justify anything based on the interests that serve the state and the political class, ie, the interests economic, technological and cultural, aaccording to their own interests.

They do not respect the citizens but would not keep blatantly chains corrution and traded today in the eyes of all the public and press.


Crowdsourcing and knowledge models

12 Jun

Crowdsourcing is increasingly helping to channel the collective knowledge MedicinaCrowdsourcingof the scientific community to find solutions to significant challenges in medicine and other fields, the collective models are more successful in the polls.

Sage Bionetworks and Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM) are hosting free software, changes in big data computing, top changes in statistical thinking, learning machines, and discoveries in computational biology, new predictive models of disease, appear The Scientist.

Teams compete with each other, but the competitions also encourage collaboration needed to respond to emerging biological
issues, according to Stephen Friend, founder of Sage Bionetworks: “The Meshing of these data with clinical outcomes for the development of indicators of what is likely to respond to therapy or who is likely to have an aggressive disease is a problem that needs to boldly great work and ideas of each other. ”

The model of scientific work using crowdsourcing, adapted the model collective and collaborative science to the use of an “overly intellectual” available in the crowd.


Projeto aberto de Data Center

17 May

Um projeto intitulado OCP (Open Compute Project ) foi iniciado ontem num esforço de construir um centro de dados abertos para a rede, com um modelo flexível e eficiente, que evite desperdício de componentes desnecessários, com um sistema totalmente aberto a todos prestadores de serviços e desenvolvedores de hardware para DataCenters.

Entre os apoiadores iniciais do projeto já estão o Facebook, Intel e VMware, além de potências tradicionais em redes como a Netronome e Broadcom.

Em entrevista ao site v3, o presidente da OCP Frank Franovsk afirmou: “É nossa esperança que um sistema alternativo aberto permita um ritmo de inovação e desenvolvimento de hardware de rede, que ajude as definições de software continuarem evoluindo e prosperarem e, por fim, proporcionar aos consumidores destas tecnologias mais liberdades para construir estas infraestruturas mais flexíveis, escaláveis e eficientes a disposição”, conforme o site .

Confirmando que é um novo tipo de empresa, aberto e colocada numa folha em branco, conformo afirma o presidente, onde esta empresa: “Este é um novo tipo … começando um projeto com apenas uma ideia e uma folha de papel, em vez de construir em um projeto existente que seria concebido para a fundação , e estamos animados para ver como o grupo de projeto proporciona em nossa visão coletiva “.

A ideia de projetos assim, num modelo misto com uso do crowdsourcing, está evoluindo, como prova o projeto Ouia (veja nosso post).


Maratona cultural, games e Orquestra de Rua

14 May

No Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo (MIS) acontecerá na Virada Cultural de São Paulo, próximo fim de semana 18 e 19, o I Festival de Games Brasil, com video games, jogos de tabuleiro e de cartas farão parte da programação de 2013.

Como em toda a Virada, a entrada é gratuita, e todos poderão testar todos os jogos disponíveis entre às 10h e 16h nos dois dias da Vira, mas os jogos continuarão no museu até o dia 2 de junho.

O Museu fez uma parceria com o IGDA (Internacional Game Developers Association), que é uma organização mundial de desenvolvedores de games que no Brasil tem um braço na Atrativa, subsidiária brasileira da GameHouse, maior casa do gênero.

Acontecerão também alguns eventos públicos, como o evento de músicos autofinanciados por crowdfunding, vale a pena ver, é uma Maratona Cultural gratuita, feita por uma Orquestra de Rua, que acontecerá no parque da Juventude, dia 18 começando por volta das 10 hs, veja a apresentação anterior deles.


Ouya, a próxima big thing ?

10 May

Ouya é um ‘console’ (leia-se um hardware estilizado) de código aberto que usa o sistema Android (dos celulares) como Sistema Operacional.

Lançado em 10 de julho de 2012, o produto foi idealizado por Julie Uhram, tendo como parceiros, o Ed Fries construtor do Xbox (dispositivos para games) e o designer Yves Béhar.

O objetivo é abrir o mercado de console de videogames para desenvolvedores amadores, com a possibilidade de “customizar” os jogos dos dispositivos android para o Ouya.

Kris Graft discute a validade do Ouya como uma tecnologia disruptiva, aquelas que dão salto no mercado como aconteceu com iPod, tablets e smartphones, que de acordo com o criador do termo Clayton M. Christensen, o produto disruptivo deve ser uma pontuação alta devido sua: posição no mecado, preço de escala baixo, facilidade de uso, enfim impactar o mercado.

Para Graft, o preço baixo do Ouya “é um componente chave para ser considerado uma tecnologia disruptiva, já que isso inerentemente abre o mercado a uma nova população de consumidores”, porém ele critica o fato da plataforma cobrar uma taxa de 30% sobre o preço de qualquer transação realizada em sua loja, significando um vinculo e ganhos com a empresa, “o modelo central da companhia parece emular a estratégia do mercado digital atual adotada pelos donos de consoles, PC e portáteis.”

As pessoas que contribuiram com os quase US$ 8,6 milhões para o desenvolvimento do Ouya no Kickstarter (site de crowdfunding), já estão recebendo o videogame pelos correios, que veio de início com 104 títulos disponíveis no seu lançamento, segundo o portal Terra, recebeu agora mais 15 milhões de investimentos.

Custando US$ 100, o Ouya começa a ser vendido no varejo em 25 de junho (era 4, mas foi adiado).


Geeksphone a venda, para os geeks

24 Apr

O Geeksphone como é chamado o smartphone da Firefox em parceria com a Telefonica (veja nosso post) já está a venda, mas justamente na Espanha já acusa “fora de estoque”.

Também os desenvolvedores (o Firefox é um software livre e isto chama a atenção dos geeks, desenvolvedores) ficaram decepcionados, tanto o Keon como Peak apareceriam ontem na varejista do Geeksphone também como “fora de estoque”.

No início do dia Peak ainda aparecia, enquanto o Keon foi endido mais rapidamente ao preço de US $ 119, o modelo tem uma tela de 480×320 pixels sendo 3,5 polegadas.

Por US $ 195, o Peak oferece uma tela multitouch 960×540-pixel de 4,3 polegadas, sendo um pouco mais confortável para usuários e desenvolvedores.

Na verdade os dois modelos não são para usuários comuns, isto é não desenvolvedores, os geeks precisam destes modelos de trabalho para testar seus aplicativos para o sistema operacional móvel da Mozilla.

Os futuros smartphones da Firefox deverão ser produzidos por empresas como a ZTE, Alcatel, LG Electronics, Huawei e até a Sony tá de olho, tendo previsão de lançamento no próximo ano.

O mundo open-source de desenvolvedores por crowdsourcing aguardam ansiosamente.