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Mixed and Virtual Reality

18 Jun

In an article entitled “A Taxonomy of Mixed-Reality Visuals”, Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino, published in the ACM Information System Magazine, coined the term “Mixed Reality” and applied it for the first time.
The article of these researchers is fundamental because they did not dodge the question what virtual reality is, and responded simply and directly by separating the virtual concept from the real, saying that “these two terms constitute the now ubiquitous basis of the term Virtual Reality” .
In this universe the intention is not so complex, but the “basic intention is that a ‘virtual’ world be synthesized by computer to give the participant the impression that this world is not really artificial, but is ‘real’, and that the participant is “really” present within this world, “say the authors in this article.
This is what made them create the term mixed reality, when talking to different researchers, realized that “dealing with questions as to whether specific objects or scenes being displayed are real or virtual, whether images of scanned data should be considered real or virtual. if a real object should look “realistic”, while a virtual one does not need it. ”
The idea of ​​Mixed Reality lies between Virtual Reality (RV) and Augmented Reality (RA), but the important thing about this idea is access to everyday life, helmets and virtual reality devices provoke a feeling of evil -established in many people, and mixed reality allows the easy and simple use of these concepts.
Summarizing mixed reality is a way of merging the real world with the virtual to produce new environments and forms of visualization in which physical and digital objects coexist and can interact in the real world in real time.
In 2015, Microsoft had an impact on the market by launching its HoloLens product, but what looked like a great strategy quickly fell into disrepute because the cost was too high, now companies like Acer. Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, and Dell are making their headsets, and Microsoft’s “Reality Viewer” environment gives these products popularity.
Milgram, P. and Kishino, F. IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, A taxonomy of Mixed REality Visual Displays, Vol E77-D, No.12 December 1994


Art, autonomy and see

22 Nov

OWhat remains veiled in recent art and which is present in Hegel’s CamponesasJacobdiscourse, and even more so in the apparent rupture with the departure of the “plane” to the three-dimensional forms of the “polite” is still an idealist art of what Hegel called “autonomy” and that due to this idealism, Rancière called “autonomization.”
Rancière clarifies that it is autonomization: “one of these elements, the ‘breakdown of the threads of representation’ that bound them to the reproduction of a repetitive way of life. It is the substitution of these objects for the light of their appearance. From that point on, what happens is an epiphany of the visible, an autonomy of the pictorial presence. “(Rancière, 2003, p.87)
This autonomization is ultimately the famous “art for art” or in the opposite sense of “utilitarianism of art,” but both can not deny either the specific aspect of art and its connection with words or their usefulness “as useful as useful, “the writer Vitor Hugo would say, but it is about accepting the emancipation of the spectator through” interaction. ”
See Rancière writes in art: “Whether it be a Descent from the Cross or a White Square on a white background, it means to see two things at once” (Rancière, 2003, p.87), which is a relation between “the exposition of the forms and surface of inscription of words. “(ibidem), where the presences are” two regimes of the braid of words and forms. ”
To understand the problem of vision Rancière uses the painting of Gauguin Peasants in the field, there is a “first picture: peasants on a picture look at the fighters in the distance” (Rancière 2003: 95), the presence and the way they are dressed show that it is something else then a second picture arises: “they must be in a church” (idem), to make sense the place should be less grotesque and realistic and regionalist painting is not found, then there is a third picture: “The spectacle that it represents has no real place. It is purely ideal. Peasants do not see a realistic scene of preaching and fighting. They see – and we see – the Voice of the preacher, that is, the Word of the Word that passes through this voice. This voice speaks of Jacob’s legendary combat with the Angel, of terrestrial materiality with heavenly ideality. “(Ibid.)
In this way, Rancière affirms, the description is a substitution, the word for the image, and substitutes it “for another living word, the word of the scriptures” (Ranciere, 2003, 96)
It also makes a connection with the pictures of Kandinsky,he writes In the space of the visibility which his text constructs Gauguin’s painting is already a picture like those that Kandinsky will paint and justify: a surface in which lines and colors become more expressive signs obeying the unique coercion of ‘inner necessity'” (Rancière, 2003, p. 97), and we have explained earlier that it is not pure subjectivism because it makes a connection with both the inner thought and the thought about the description in the picture.
The important thing is the symbiosis between the image, the words and the vision resulting from a “unveiling” of the image that can be translated into words.


The beautiful and the liquid

05 Sep

The idea that there is a liquefaction of aesthetics in modernity is as modern as theFalsoBelo concepts of freedom, state and mainly: subjects and objects.
In this death of aesthetics, some authors have already written, the beautiful is merely an exposition of the sensible of the idea in works of art, and it would be from them that the contradiction created in modernity between subject and object would be solved, thus a work of art would be : “The first intermediate link between what is merely external, sensitive and transitory, and pure thinking” was perhaps less liquid, would be “scientific.”
Hegel acknowledged in Kantian philosophy a “breakthrough in relation to other aesthetic theories”, since, according to the apex philosopher of idealism, the possibility of unification between spirit and nature would give for art, but refuses it when realizing that would lead to a insurmountable dualism between subject and object, in a rather rude synthesis we would say: “the idealist demon.”
But he does not overcome this “demon,” as Hegel said: “… the artistic beauty was recognized as one of the means that resolves and brings to unity a contradiction and opposition between the spirit resting in himself abstractly and nature . … Kant’s philosophy felt this point of unification in its necessity, as it also recognized and represented it in a determinate way. “(HEGEL, 2001, p. 74)
The book by the German-Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, Die Errettung des Schönen  (The Salvation of the Beautiful) (Fischer Verlag, 2015, without translation to Portuguese or english) gives a new guiding thread to the question of the beautiful, with what he has already called other books of “lack of negativity of our era”.
It uses in its language the ideas of the “positive” and “negative”, to designate super consumption, whether of commodities, information and capital, rather prefers diversity than alterity, rather difference than distinct, and thus in the aesthetic to the rugged, and aesthetic is for Han an apology to the smooth, the polite, the pornographic and not the erotic (in the sense of eros).
Subjectivity is confusingly smooth, without interiority and difficulties (without suffering we have already said it), submits to a simplicity that wants to flatten and polish, therapies to overcome fear, distress, religious worship is the repetitive and pure ” indoctrination “, reading without any hermeneutics and full of old and outdated exegesis, lectures should amuse and not teach, media are confused with their ends (which is for-communication).
The liquefied is that liquefazem everything, to be according to its smoothness, its ugliness and its absence of negativity and contradiction, is more than idealism is “pure idealism”, bodies that look like dolls, faces without expression or of unique expression, absence of mimesis, we will return to it, but here it is enough repetitive, imitative, mere representation, false receptivity, the act of resembling, and in the background the presentation of the self (no alter).

HAN, B.C. Die Errettung des Schönen  (The Salvation of the Beautiful), DE: Fischer Verlag, 2015.
HEGEL, George W. Curso de Estética (Aesthetics courses). BR. São Paulo: Edusp, 2001.


The animation in the east

10 Jul

Even though internet video and online movie sales are increasing, such as Netflix,Naruto movies are still very strong even in countries where technology is cutting edge, such as Japanese cinema, with the box office of “Your Name” (Kimi no na wa), which reached 180 million viewers in 2016.
Besides the drawings of Mangá,
Digimon Adventure, Naruto, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, and other characters are also not far from the famous (among the young) , Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, The Knights of the Zodiac, Sakura, Hamtaro, Digimon, Beyblade and Inuyasha.
The drawings are very colorful, rich in detail, with elegant but original clothes, and although the stories are unreal (not to be confused with virtual ones), heroes take care of cities and value the imagination with special powers that attract children and adolescents in a World without utopias and fantasies, it is not possible to imagine the reason for such success.
The film, Kimi no na wa (His name), has grossed about $ 76 million in China since its December 2 debut,

Toho distributor Kimi No Na Wa said box office sales in China topped 9 billion yen, or about 76 million dollars, since its December 2 debut. 1 million dollars in conservative Thailand.
Directed by Makoto Shinkai, tells a love story of two young high school students, who exchange their bodies and start to live an adventure rich in fantasy and feelings, was launched in late 2016 in 91 countries, including France and Korea Of the South, but still no date for Brazil


Digital art, meditation and future

28 Jun

One of the most radical exhibitions of digital art by Nicolas Maigret and ThePirateCinemaBrenda Howell, titled “The Pirate Cinema“, uses P2P bit-stream system exchanges and screens where the user is required to download and the sources of the movies, with the IP (Internet address) shown in the right corners of three screens, the environment being chosen for the art project “Torrent Freak”, and can be viewed online through the link of the exhibition.
The shallower concept of digital art is the one that can be found also in Wikipedia, which says that is the one produced in environmental computational graph, also there is quoted the definition of Wolf Lieser, according to which: “They belong to the digital art the artistic works Which, on the one hand, have a specifically media visual language and, on the other hand, reveal the metacharacteristics of the medium “, which is larger than the previous one.
But they both reject a much more complex concept that preceded it: what is art? Was there a metaphysical, symbolic or linguistic purpose in art? Or something else yet?
We have already clarified the false dichotomy between objectivity and subjectivity of art, also the dichotomy of utility and uselessness, since it depends only on the perspective of reading, see the source of Duchamp, and still have more the question of metacharacteristics, said above, but in the Truth is not the characteristics that are outdated, but the very medium that is a metame, ie, can happen in an indirect way all previous arts.
Examples of these meta-medias are digital photographs immediately revealed and easily worked by software, editions of videos and textual production in any style.
The question of the technical reproducibility of the work of art must be understood to be prior to the digital age, the work of Walter Benjamin, who died in the midst of World War II, already defined the new profile of pre-digital art: “The extraordinary growth Which our media have experienced in their adaptive and precise skills, impose significant changes in the near future to the ancient industry of the beautiful, “quoting Paul Valery in his work Pièces sur l’art (pp. 103-104), so it is not this Which differs from digital art.
Perhaps a still little understood connotation of these meta-midias is their ubiquity, that is, the multi-presence, and this may accelerate the process of contemplation of art, of course some question whether this is art, but time will say that it is and still more the public Growing, as shown by the popularization of, for example, photographic art, in the billions of Instagram users, with undoubtedly artistic photos, not all of them of course, but in the thousands.
If the contemplation of the beautiful leads to meditation then it may be a time of meditation, although some may say that it is liquid, perhaps because it is not useful, it will use good videos to relax can be useful.



Holography is here to stay

23 Jan

Holography has already come to stay, there are already projection techniques such Holograficouse of cubes or pyramids of glass (holographic glass) or without glasses (no glass), such as the photos on the side.
As it is always the aggressive gaming industry that first emerges with new technologies, it was thus the augmented reality with Pokemons, and now the holography with glasses and games in Windows Holographic VR headset (Virtual Reality) with the handset of 350 grams, 200 Grams less than the HTC VIVE, both scheduled to launch this year.
The information contained in
The Verge’s specialized website says that the design is comfortable on new Lenovo equipment using OLED panels with 1440×1440 resolution, more defined its Glasses Rift, but the prototype taken to the last CES 2017 event was not working (oh no!).
An important point is that its internal sensors allow the equipment is used if it is necessary to have an external detection camera; this is no small thing, since holographic environments with full immersion can arise from there.
The final price speculated on some sites, among them
The Verge is that it will be close to $ 300, which here would give something around the R $ 1 thousand brazilian reals, but with taxes it is known there for the ceiling that goes.


Significant technologies for Big Data

20 Sep

Big Data is still an emerging technology, the cycle from emergence of a technology until their maturity,sxsw if we look at the hypo cycle Gartner curve, we see in it the Big Data on seed from the appearance, to the disappointment, but then comes the maturity cycle.


To answer the questions posed in the TechRadar: Big Data, Q1 2017, a new report was produced saying the 22 possible technologies maturities in the next life cycle, including 10 steps to “mature” the Big Data technologies.


In view of this research, the ten points that can, to increase the Big Data are:


  1. Predictive analytics: software solutions and / or hardware that enable companies to discover, evaluate, optimize and deploy predictive models through the analysis of large data sources to improve business performance and risk mitigation.
  2. It will take NoSQL databases: key-value, documents and graphic databases.
  3. Research and knowledge discovery: tools and technologies to support the extraction of information and new perspectives of self-service large data repositories unstructured and structured that reside in multiple sources, such as file systems, databases, streams , APIs and other platforms and applications.
  4. analysis Flows (analytics Stream): software that can filter, aggregate, enrich and analyze a high data transfer rate from multiple sources online disparate data and any data format (semi-structured).
  5. Persistent analysis (in-memory) “fabric”: allowing access to low latency and processing large amounts of data by distributing data over the dynamic random access memory (DRAM), Flash or SSD a distributed computer system.
  6. Distributed stores files: a network of computers where the data are stored in more than one node often replicated way, both redundancy and performance.
  7. Data virtualization: a technology that provides information from various data sources, including large data sources such as Hadoop tool and distributed data stores in real-time or near-real time (small delays).

This will require the last 3 steps that research suggests: 8. data integration: tools for data orchestration (Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR), Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Apache Spark, MapReduce, Couchbase, Hadoop, MongoDB) data preparation (modeling, cleaning and sharing) and data quality (enrichment and data cleansing at high speed) will be needed and that is done, you can make big productive Date “providing values ​​something of growth through a balance Phase “


Augmented reality already in schools

23 Aug

The technology used by game Pokemon Go is already in many elementarySmartChart schools, augmented reality has been used to teach mathematics and geometry.

The system uses a made in augmented reality object and the software through a camera does appear on the computer screen a 3D element that students can follow the projection of the image on the screen from the wall.

In real classroom the teacher is second only a flat piece with a cube design, but on the screen of projection appears a 3D geometric element, seeing the constructed image is easier to just use your imagination to understand the geometric operations.

The Bandeirantes Vila Mariana´s College in São Paulo (South Zone) has adopted augmented reality and plan to use the resource in a multidisciplinary project from September.

But the goal goes further with a kind of home treasure throughout the school where the student sees the tablet in code spread across various parts of the school, and can conduct educational activities more playful mood.

The college Dante Alighieri, in the Jardins (West |one of São Paulo city), sent a message to parents alerting the exclusive use of the applications and not others “if demand is not strictly educational”, as published in newspapers of.

An application for adults is the Star Chart, available for Androids and iOS when open he sees aa star letter pointing your smartphone or table to heaven, the application will inform you that the stars or planets you have in the right direction even during the day when the stars are in heaven it is impossible to be seen, and it can extend up to 10,000 light years, so you can see nebulae and distant galaxies.


Pokémon Go and augmented reality

09 Aug

I arrive at my university to work and see a lot of students walking augmentedRealityalone or in groups there here, I thought it is-new strike, some proof of selection for a course, but they were what are now being called pokeballs capturing Pokemons but the scene was new and curious.
Since the past decade’s work and augmented reality environments, I thought a more productive use, virtual museums, studies of physics, chemistry or astrophysics; but the games were the first major use, it has become a fever and fever.
He told me a student who is not only out and go capturing Pokémon, incubating eggs, there are several tactics and mechanics that can become a better player than the others.
He summarized that way: not disperdice pokeballs, Pokemons with yellow circles around are very strong, look different Pokemons in different environments, capture Pokemons repeated that it is easier, and need not be connected with the camera the whole time.
But back to augmented reality, the Brazilian Congress in the area have been around since the end of the last millennium and the pioneer Dr. P. Milgram explains that actually are 4 levels: augmented reality, augmented virtuality and virtual environment, such as the Pokemons are the first level we think that there will be at least 3 more new developments.
What comes next may be even more surprising, then I think it is here to stay.



Augmented Reality and Pokemon Go I arrive at my university to work and see a lot of students walking alone or in groups there here, I thought it is-new strike, some proof of selection for a course, but they were what are now being called pokeballs capturing Pokemons but the scene was new and curious.
Since the past decade’s work and augmented reality environments, I thought a more productive use, virtual museums, studies of physics, chemistry or astrophysics; but the games were the first major use, it has become a fever and fever.
He told me a student who is not only out and go capturing Pokémon, incubating eggs, there are several tactics and mechanics that can become a better player than the others.
He summarized that way: not disperdice pokeballs, Pokemons with yellow circles around are very strong, look different Pokemons in different environments, capture Pokemons repeated that it is easier, and need not be connected with the camera the whole time.
But back to augmented reality, the Brazilian Congress in the area have been around since the end of the last millennium and the pioneer Dr. P. Milgram explains that actually are 4 levels: augmented reality, augmented virtuality and virtual environment, such as the Pokemons are the first level we think that there will be at least 3 more new developments.
What comes next may be even more surprising, then I think it is here to stay.


Photography´s revolution

21 Jun

The photography revolution Photography is one of the most powerful waysfotos to emphasize the importance of a detail, making the ordinary extraordinary, tell a story, to surprise, educate, documents or events faces, communicate emotions and the emotions of those who inspired them. It is worth a thousand words, in the words of Henri Cartier-Bresson: “Pictures can reach eternity through the moment.”


There are pictures that are eternal as memorable as the famous kiss in black and white between the nurse and sailor Alfred Eisenstaedt, or as the horrors of war told in memorable photo on Nick Ut of napalm girl became a Vietnam War symbol or the picture in 1966 Thomas Hoepker made of Muhammed Ali, one of the most famous images of all time, a photo can be eternal.


Instagram took millions of anonymity, Brazil represents 7.25% of the 400 million people who use the application number reached in September last year.


The Brazil, Japan and Indonesia are the places where more people lower the app, and this makes the market keep an eye on, especially now with the proximity of the Olympics.


What few know is that Brazil is the creation of Instagram, the São Paulo Mike Krieger helped KIevin Systrom, now CEO of Instagram to create it when both were students at Stanford University in October 2010.


Instagram means the entry of anonymous everyday in the world of photography as a plate of food or a vase of flowers.