The asceticism of the soul

26 Feb

We live in times when even organized thinking has deviated and whoever wants to find the truth will have difficulty, the vast majority of people seek asceticism through what Peter Sloterdijk calls “exercise life”, recipes for how to have a good life, in general , only financial, but in many cases also the care with food and the body and beyond, how the asceticism of the soul is and where to find it is the question.

It is true that there are those who do not even believe that the soul exists, but live in a discomfort of clinging only to the things that pass and never find what does not, we developed this week is the asceticism of the encounter with the Other, the one who does not it’s the mirror.

The organized fans of this or that type, this or that form of spirituality, this or that current are only looking for the mirror, someone who thinks and lives the model of asceticism linked only to a group, for this reason as they are exclusive, they do not they are a model for everyone and cannot be a true ascesis.

Even in terms of religion, he who “loves God who does not see and does not love the brother who sees, is a liar” (John 1: 4,20) also other religions have similar formulas that are summed up in the so-called “golden rule” , not doing to the Other what you would not like to be ugly to you.

Markets and shopping malls fill up in times of pandemic, apparently even more than in normal times, of course when they are open and it is allowed, people look there for what a false asceticism gave, that is, a life of exercise, in this case of consumption.

So times will be harder, and with more difficulty finding the true peace that is the one that takes us to the top, after all asceticism means to rise, rise and reach a region of soul comfort, not material and not even that which we entered there and we were fine (in our group or crowd), but an elevation of the spirit and soul that comforts us, even in crisis.

The biblical passage that reveals this asceticism is the passage in which Jesus chooses three disciples and goes to Mount Tabor (beware because Jesus’ other ascension is a debt ascension, which was after his Death and Resurrection), says this passage (Mc 9 , 2-3): “At that time, 2Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, and took them alone to a separate place on a high mountain. And he transfigured himself before them. Her clothes were shiny and as white as no washerwoman on the earth could target”.

After Mount Tabor (see the picture above) they had to return to reality and descend from there, Peter wanted to stay there, this is the difference from the other ascent in which Jesus returns to his divine reality (heaven is a metaphor of the divine live).

A time of true ascension, the pandemic removed everything that was false from us, we stand before Being.





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