Arquivo para January 15th, 2014

A pause for technology

15 Jan

We are sailing by reading about Edgar Morin was theRealismo3D emergence of a “global” era in a world that is seen together, perhaps more united while respecting their diversity .

Finished last week the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, attended by more of 150 thousand people, with 3.500 products, ranging from the 4k TVs (four times the HD high – definition), drones (drones), smart cars, versatile devices such as washing machines and other appliances more intelligent machines.

A novelty already known but promising in 2014 , are the smartwatches , smart watches some interesting and unobtrusive as Toq , Qualcomm , others more creative and showy as the Galaxy Gear of the Samsung, but the highlight for technologists was Nabu, Razer, which changes the concept of clock and looks more like a bracelet with various functions .

Another highlight are the smartest cars , the most appreciated features are those which prevent collisions during parking maneuvers and go, but the trend of driverless cars seems to be for real , because they are already testing the automakers .

After some time without much novelty, the new chips with graphics processing seem determined to migrate from games for tablets and PCS , Nvidia promises to bring visuals worthy of the new generation computer games for tablets and smartphones . One with 192 cores, K1 employs the technology of Kepler graphics cards and elevates the picture quality of the games of mobile devices to the level of home consoles and PCs.

The 4K TVs are now much advertised and should reach the domestic market this year , 3D iterative equipment for interactive games also showed incredible realism (see photo).