Arquivo para April 16th, 2016

Painted faces to the demonstrations of June 13 in Brazil

16 Apr


The pathetic and melancholy government of General Figueiredo (1979-1985)DiretasJá marked the end of military rule, with a huge economic crisis and the political reopening of the country process, from government of General Figueiredo was marked with the amnesty law and the return of many politicians, intelectuals and artists in the country.

The opposition tried through an amendment called reestablishing direct presidential election for president in the streets in 1984 virtually every democratic country forces came out in defense of the elections was the campaign called “Direct Elections Now”, but was indirectly elected Tancredo Neves does not get to take possession and spoke on April 21 (say was “postponed” death to get this date) and who assumes is José Sarney and Fernando Collor election elect, he was little known.

The Collor government (1990-1992) although elected by a large majority soon reveals the next election day its true face and confiscate the savings of thousands of Brazilians, a fact that still remains forgotten, because it meant a break in the trust of the majority of people in the public use of money.

The confiscation of money, reducing Collor’s support in the National Congress and the manifestations of streets known as the “painted face” because he painted up her face with green-yellow bands, leading to impeachment and takes his deputy Franco that government until the end of 1994.

We had the end of Franco’s term, a kind of government too, something the vice Temer of the PMDB seems to imitate, but not exactly the same thing happens today when most politicians are discredited, including the opposition.

Then came two governments Fernando Henrique Cardoso with the achievement of stability of the currency, but with strong opposition from the Workers Party, creates a form of government with use of office and backroom deals, called “collision of government.”

Finally in 2002 the fight is elected and re-elected in 2006, using a law that his successor created to two terms in 2010 can make his successor Dilma Roussef, 2008 was a year of relative international crisis, the government dodged it strengthening internal market and use of commodities (soy, frozen orange juice, minerals, oil, etc.), but the model is exhausted.

In June 2013, even without strong ideological polarization that happens today, the people went out to the streets in guidelines for a little light parties, very clear to the people and some political analysis done well, the agenda was: the reduction of transport (flashpoint of demonstrations), combating corruption (and made even partially), transparency in policy decisions, the return of inflation (already at that time, spending on the world Cup and many others.
Incorrectly does not bind to the instability of days in Brazil this period, there is many corruptions here.