Arquivo para April 27th, 2016

Technology-People Literacy (TPL)

27 Apr

This is Technology-PeopleGartner2015 Literacy (TPL), which would in Portuguese TAP, but do not know whether to take exactly that.
The truth is that for the first time it appeared in the famous Gartner hipociclo starting the curve of expectations, and also that appears next to security concerns.

One of the important things to know the point that a particular technology is a hipoclico curve is to understand what exactly does “literacy” (or learning) at one time as expected and maturity within that curve, for example, until the early 1990 meant nothing the Web, cell phones were too large for the pocket, Google only appeared in 1998 and precisely in this period a metadata system called Dublin Core was appearing until 2003 there was MySpace and Youtube was launched only two years after this.

Thus, tools are created, developed and worked as the time in 1995 was basic to work with word processing and spreadsheets, but today there are more sophisticated tools and spreadsheets have developed where you just know what are the fields to be filled, the word processors have correction tools, custom comments and even own vocabularies for certain contexts.

Set “literacy” or digital learning means now, since it entered the Gartner hipociclo curve (in 2015) something designated as PLT (People-Literate Tecnology), which means a richer and more complex definition of literacy for example, the University of Colorado has defined putting many topics to consider this complexity: communicate, solve problems, Access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design and create information to enhance learning in all areas, and ultimately, acquire knowledge over life and 21st century skills.

Note that two items refer to Communication and Information, another to solve problems and a quarter what it means to acquire knowledge in the 21st century.