Arquivo para July 13th, 2017

Metaphor, parables and tragedy

13 Jul

In times of crisis culture and values, the most common thing is the hasty judgment Parábolasabout a certain behavior or person, but not everything that seems to be is the same, is the case, for example, to combat a prejudice that falls into another type Of judgment.

When one determines that a certain form of behavior or relationship is more politically correct, one can eliminate the conventional or the traditional, in the history of humanity the relationship between tradition and the new popular “fashions” has always been important in this history. We do not fall into pure fashions or disasters.

We are still experiencing the effects of a post-World War, and of many wars with a religious and cultural focus and gradually returning to ideological ones, in fact it is a crisis of models.
“Today is realized what was written in biblical times about the prophecy of:” You shall hear, without understanding. You will have to look without seeing anything. 15For the hearts of this people have become insensible, “which is quoted by the evangelist Matthew 13: 14-15, in explaining why Jesus spoke in parables, but how insensible today is to look at the Other without prejudice, to allow diversity To be present in society and to respect it.

It is not only the fact that we have problems with immigration, but that the world through TVs and the Web is seen and we come into contact with all kinds of culture and religiosity of the planet, but the respect that we must have for all is still small, so only One can speak in metaphors.

Paul Ricouer’s book The Living Metaphor is part of the reading of Aristotle’s Poetics, a book that has remained only a part of the original, to say that its construction is the basis of Western literature, where we can highlight mimesis, myth and catharsis as a basis , And as it forms the tragedy, the catharsis and the mimesis, perhaps the latter the most unknown.

Both in the tragedies of Sophocles and in the epics of Homer, the mimetic arts approach, to consider that both represent beings superior to the common ones. Aristophanes, author of comedies, also imitates people acting, doing the drama, we can say so the biblical parables are also mimesis in excerpts such as: “the sower went forth to sow,” “the administrator entrusted the talents to his employees,” and many others.

As much as the parable, and some forms of metaphors, tragedy identifies itself with the mimeses of superior quality to the comedy thus thought Aristotle and later Nietzsche, and has like object, actions of elevated character (ethical model); Like medium, ornate language; As mode the dialogue and the scenic spectacle; And includes catharsis.