Arquivo para April, 2021

Educação e Complexidade

06 Apr

Dizer de maneira simples o que ele defende, toda síntese é um reducionista, mas poder-se-ia pensar numa mudança de paradigma onde no ensino as pessoas serão “capazes de compreender e enfrentar os problemas fundamentais da humanidade, cada vez mais complexos e globais”, a pandemia com certeza é um claro problema deste tipo.

O modelo atual leva a “negligenciar a formação integral e não prepara os alunos para mais tarde enfrentaram o imprevisto e a mudança”, novamente um exemplo aplicável a pandemia não nos adaptamos ao novo normal, porém a raiz de todo problema para o filósofo-educador Morin é que “o conhecimento está desintegrado em fragmentos disjuntos no interior das disciplinas, que não estão interligadas entre si e entre as quais não existe diálogo”, daí a dificuldade de se promover diálogo entre “especialistas” cuja visão é fixa e há uma “hiperespecialização”.

Quando Edgar Morin começou a escrever seu método, já era claro para muitos educadores que um novo modelo de educação deveria emergir, a Pandemia com uso de recursos online e também formas criativas de motivar e prender a atenção de alunos (na internet não se deve usar períodos longo, são cansativos e as pessoas saem) mostra bem isto.

O autor de “Cabeça bem-feita” e “Os sete saberes para a Educação do Futuro, Educar para a Era Planetária” lamenta, igualmente a “condição humana está totalmente ausente” no ensino: “Perguntas como o ´o que significa ser humano’ não são ensinadas”, de modo mais profundo e análogo Heidegger detectou uma ausência na filosofia da questão do Ser, claro que havia na filosofia antiga e no período medieval (a ontologia de Tomás de Aquino por exemplo), porém o Dasein de Heidegger, esse “ser-aí” ainda hoje, ligo e relido é mal compreendido.

Poderia ser perguntado o que é esse “ser” agora durante a Pandemia, algumas respostas são possíveis, mas inacabadas.


Vaccination and dangers ahead

05 Apr

Official data from the On Data in World (in graphic) website indicate a total vaccination in Brazil of 10.2 million people up to 3 days ago, while the world average is at the level of 6.5% and in countries like France, Italy and Germany they are inexplicable. rate close to 11% (even the WHO complained).

Only Israel close to 60% and the United Kingdom close to 50% have acceptable rates, in Latin America only Chile reached 30% and Uruguay to 20%, but it should be noted that Chile has a much smaller population of 18 million (less than the city ​​of São Paulo), and Uruguay 3.5 million (slightly larger than Belo Horizonte if counting the cities Betim, Contagem that are neighboring), Brazil is close to 10% counting the first dose according to data from the same site (on Data in World ).

Two dangers strongly threaten the contamination rates: the new strain that spreads more quickly and the cold that should arrive soon, according to experts from Butantã in Sao Paulo, it is not possible to speed up the vaccine production process, but on the other hand, FioCruz in Rio de Janeiro promises to deliver 1 million daily doses, would arrive at the end of April with at least 40 million vaccinated with the first dose (this would be close to 20% of the population), and hope that the cold will delay, not counting the shipments that will come from the abroad and Butantã itself.

Fortunately the weather has been hot, despite cold fronts threatening in the south, the expectation for the next 15 days (until April 20, therefore), is to stay warm. although it is rainy, but there is no correct weather data, the forecasts are not always right.

It is hoped that a vaccination will be able to stop the successive increase of infections, we have broken several records of infection and deaths, and the aggressiveness of the new strain acts in these two aspects.

An innovative drug is announced on the market, and filed the order on Anvisa on March 30, it is a combination of monoclonal antibodies bamlanivimab and etesevimab that was developed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, and can help in mild cases and people who have respiratory problems , is the first drug really valid in prevention and in mild cases that have respiratory comorbidities, it can reach the market in 30 days.

This medicine has a powerful asset, since it has already been released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the drug regulator in the USA, in short it is necessary to think of creative solutions and preventive measures cannot be ruled out, of course they are really valid.


Its out for update

04 Apr

Happy easter!!!

We’ve been out to update the software.

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The Easter of Unleavened Bread to the Eucharist

01 Apr

It is true that Easter celebrated by Christians as the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, was already celebrated with the passage of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt to their promised land, today Israel, however the festival is older.

The two strongest signs of Christianity are the death of Jesus precisely in the place of the lamb that is sacrificed at the Jewish feast, remembering the lamb that was sacrificed by Abraham in the place of his son, and his resurrection on Easter day, that is, the passage to eternal life.

However, the date is older, the Jewish calendar is lunisolar, that is, it is based on the cycles of the sun and the moon, unlike the Christian who is between the autumn / spring equinoxes in the northern hemisphere, and summer / autumn in the southern hemisphere.

The feast was still celebrated in the exile of the Jewish people in Egypt, it is estimated that about 3,500 years ago, they sacrificed a healthy lamb, one year old, on a date called the 14th of nissan, for a week they consumed unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and the blood of the animal was used to mark the thresholds of the Jewish homes, so that the passing angel of death would not enter those houses.

The breads consumed in this period because they are unleavened, are called unleavened bread that give rise to the feast before Easter, on Friday the lamb is sacrificed, and should be eaten before dawn and what is not eaten must be burned.

Jesus was sacrificed just on a Easter Friday and this confirms the prophetic sign foreseen in the Bible, and on Thursday he performs the supper with unleavened bread, however, while purifying and sharing the bread and wine, he says: “this is my body and my blood ”instituting the Christian Eucharist, in which an aortic event takes place, an inorganic substance becomes organic and in this case divine, this is the consecrated host.

Christians call it transubstantiation, but our whole body, except the soul for those who believe, is also composed of inorganic substance, and in Christian eschatology the entire universe will be transformed into the body of Christ, in the view of Teilhard Chardin it has always been, because everything he is your body.

So it can be said that the future of the universe and humanity is to become all Eucharistic.