Arquivo para November 27th, 2023

Intense war and freed hostages

27 Nov

Russia stated this Sunday (26/11) that it shot down drones in the four regions at war, including some near Moscow and two missiles were also intercepted, while Ukraine claims to have eliminated more than a thousand soldiers and 30 Russian tanks in the war regions.

On Saturday there was a strong drone attack against Kiev, according to Moscow the biggest since 2022.

War negotiations continue, but the sanctions imposed by Moldova have created a new zone of conflict between Moscow and the West, Moldova fears being Russia’s next target.

The most serious thing about the Hamas and Israel conflict is the use of civilians as hostages (photo).

In the Gaza strip, the truce between Hamas and Israel continues, the exchange of hostages by Hamas soldiers continues, yesterday was the third day, in total | Hamas released 58 hostages while Israel released 117 Palestinians, in order these were the numbers of hostages released.

First day of truce 24 hostages, second day (Saturday) 17 hostages and third day (Sunday) 17 hostages, although the agreement is only for 4 days, and would end today, the expectation is that it can progress until Wednesday. fair.

Pope Francis, always optimistic, said in his last reference to war that humanity (of course those who make political decisions) chose war instead of peace.

Conflicts are already a major humanitarian tragedy and could become a serious humanitarian and civilizational crisis.