The Paschal Mystery and the existence of God

01 Apr

Just as the Higgs particle explains by Standard Theory Physics, but valid only 4% of all universe called baryonPascoa (energy and mass of particles and sub-particles) and now try to unravel the mystery of the other 96% of mass and dark energy through a new experiment that can understand black holes and the parallel universe (our previous post), also two metaphysical questions remains: whence came the universe? God exists?

The research Hadron Collider’s on the particles and the parallel universe tries to answer the first of only physical way, but could the universe was created in which principle.

But that answer the universe can give us about God, if your start is explained and revealed.

There are two attempts at answers, call the science of assumptions, one of them explains that there would be a fine-tuning a chance as unlikely mathematical combinations that only the existence of a higher intelligence explain these combinations, Francis S. Collins who was director of the Project Human Genome and is director of the National Institute of Health (NIH), American organ Health research formulated this hypothesis.

For Collins, “The bottom line is no accident. It reflects the action of something that created the universe”, and tunnelling is a important physical research in quantic energies.

As for the physical atheist Victor Stenger, professor of Hawaii and author of “God: The Failed Hypothesis” (Deus: a hipótese falha, no translation in Brazil) rule out the possibility of fine tuning.

For him the universe was not tuned to us, we were we to meet his conditions, and cites old assumptions that have been refuted: “Until the 20th century, it was believed that the matter could not be created nor destroyed, only transformed from a type to another, “so it is impossible to create matter, the very existence would be a miracle, Einstein proved that can be created from energy, and physical proved it can be transported something like the teleportation of science fiction, and also the NASA looking for life on other planets.

In fact prove that it exists or does not exist remains mystery as the mystery of life and even more the mystery of death, and it is precisely this passage death-life that is Easter.

Easter, which is Christian continuity of Jewish festival that celebrates the passage of life in Egypt of slaves to the Promised Land, is for Christians the passage from death to life.



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