Ambivalence and evil

14 Jul

A concept very developed today, of late modernity is the idea of OMalambivalence, modern version of Manichaeism, and the idea that we are always between two poles, we talked about the infernal dichotomies (subjective objective X; X nature culture).

I believe that agreeing with Augustine of Hippona, that evil is the absence of good, and the profound book of Paul Ricoeur The symbolic of evil, which is the second volume of Finitude and Guilt work, written in 1960 is the founder thought of this contemporary philosopher.

Like any philosophy of issues and no answer, what the philosopher want to respond, can be read in the preface of the book “From the beginning of the end, the sovereign consciousness root of science and full autonomy of the human, becomes now in problem to clear up as the experience of ill will just brings to light its opacity and still puts the question about the meaning of the human race”. Is he sapiens or demens? It will be condemned to tragic or salvation? Will be given at the outset, or arises first lost and widespread, need to take ownership? “Are current issues at the end of an era. We must first understand, as stated Alain Thiomasset (1995, p. 35), the works of Ricoeur must be read “as dialogues with thinkers he crosses over his ways”, and not as metaphysical digressions or philosophical or theological presuppositions.

As good phenomenologist, recognizes the importance of the “thing in itself”, but he sees that came in missing a dip in the intentionality of Husserl, the Greek epoché able to launch awareness out of herself, we would say one thing beyond other by Intent.

Taking this background that deeply penetrates the Ricoeur considers that idealism, that beyond the critique of Husserlian idealism, phenomenology remains the unsurpassable hermeneutic assumption that it can not point more to be without it.

(cf. Ricoeur, 1989, p. 64). Ricoeur, P. O mal um desafio à filosofia e à teologia, SP: Papirus, 1998. Ricoeur, P. Finitud y Culpabilidad: el Hombre Labil y la Simbólica del Mal. Madrid: Taurus Ediciones, 1982.


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