(Português) Infraestrutura nas cidades

28 Sep

Among the items analyzed by IBEU, although sanitation is a priority, most notably infraestructureamong negative aspects is the urban infrastructure (sidewalks, paving, street lighting, etc.) as 91.5% are in bad levels and very bad , corresponding to 2,579 as bad (46.3%) and very bad (45.2%), ie, the issue is very serious.


The data shows that are great urban problems of Brazilian municipalities. Perhaps the main is the urban infrastructure (paving, sidewalks, street lighting etc.), as 91.5% of the municipalities are in bad and very bad levels, corresponding to 2,579 as bad, and 2,516 as very bad.


Among the capitals, those with good to average conditions are: Victoria (1), Goiania (2), Rio de Janeiro (3) São Paulo (4), Curitiba (5), Belo Horizonte (6), Brasilia (7) , Porto Alegre (8) and Florianópolis (9), are in poor condition: Aracaju, Campo Grande, Palmas, Recife, Salvador, Fortaleza, Teresina, Manaus, Natal, Cuiabá, João Pessoa, São Luís, Maceió and Bethlehem, and very bad conditions: Rio Branco (24), Boa Vista (25), Porto Velho (26) and Macapá (27).


There are only 441 municipalities in average conditions of well-being as urban infrastructure, 28 have good conditions, and only one in very good condition that is Camboriú (SC).


The map shows small regions between light yellow and blue mean the conditions is average and good, while shades of red indicate the poor and very poor conditions.



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