Elections in Ecuador

20 Feb

President Lenin Moreno, a follower of the vice presidency, led the race (32.3%), former candidatos_do_equadorbanker Guillermo Lasso (21.5%), %) And former congresswoman Cynthia Viteri (14), and the leftist former mayor of Quito, Paco Moncayo (7.7%).

The elections in Ecuador have a different criterion for the first round, 40% of the votes are enough for the second round to be dispensed, but everything indicates that there will be a second round, as in many recent elections there are last-minute surprises. First round, as Cynthia Viteri may enter the dispute.

Lenin Moreno is wheelchair-bound, because of an accident assault suffered in 1998, when he was shot and lost part of the leg movements.

The electoral climate heated up when corruption came on the scene, as in Brazil, a case involving a former Petroecuador Correa minister, there are also alleged bribes from the Odebrecht contractor to Ecuadorean officials, which would reach US $ 33 million.

Correa leaves the government after 10 years of government, leaving a country in the economic turmoil with the fall of oil, devaluation of the neighboring currencies and strengthening of the dollar, in addition to the heavy costs of the earthquake of 2016.

There may also be a side effect of the elections, as William Assange, founder of Wikileaks has been asylumed in the London embassy of Ecuador since 2012, and could be deported if the conservative opposition wins.

The election elects in addition to the new president, the vice president, 137 deputies and five representatives in the Andean Parliament for 2017-2021.


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