Living metaphor and idea

29 Jan

The hermeneutics developed in “Metaphor alive” is an advanced pole of phenomenology seen as a method of interpretation necessary to the life of thought, which has its own level of discourse, refounding the eidos that came from the Greeks, giving it what was called “Ideology of the ineffable”, not of the unreachable in thought, but what is put on conscience and not said.

The living metaphor begins where linguistics ends, it is thus a fusion between both and almost a complement, it is not just because there is no linguistic current that allows it, if we understand that meaning is a central problem for linguistics this overcoming of the living metaphor it is better understood as the possibility of multiple interpretations by the interpreter.

The Greeks’ definition of metaphor, in Aristotle’s poetic and rhetorical studies, metaphor is seen from the semantic interpretation, where the word or the name are basic units between the poetics and rhetoric, where while the second is turned to mimesis or art of imitating human actions (it is a reductionism to see metaphor just like this), the second is the art of persuading, where it is possible to perceive that a beautiful speech is more convincing than a logical and clear speech.

Ricoeur’s great contribution will be based on the semantics of the isolated word, linked to the substitution theory and the linguistic notion of what “code” is, a semantics of discourse understood as totality, he considers that the act of speech in the philosophical-speculative sense is different from other discursive acts, such as poetic, religious and even scientific, where the Greek origin is that which predisposes the notion of “being” to its philosophical vocation, it can go from an ontoteology to a new ontology based on dynamics of the meaning of “say-how” which is an ontology implicit in the metaphorical statement, in it the “being-like” means “to be and not to be”, the new ontology.

The living metaphor is not as complex as its explanation, it means that it is possible from the metaphor to give meaning to the “ineffable” even as a metaphor, by the “life” inserted in it.

Parables are close to metaphors, because both want to explain complex truths.

The use of parables in the Bible in lessons that Jesus tried to explain to simpler people complex things, is thus similar to that of the living metaphor, explaining what is the word sown among people who wanted to know the divine, the parable of the sower is used, the seed sown in good soil, in the midst of thorns, in rocky ground and little fertile soil (Mc 4,26-34). (in pincture The sower de Van Gogh).

There are no biblical determinisms, as being all soils are possible, what happens if a soil is better or worse for a seed depends on how it falls in the understanding of each person, thus subject to interpretation.


Bible. Apostle Marcos.

RICOEUR, Paul. Living Metaphor. 


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