Everyday Forces for Peace

28 Jan

Just as we can cultivate, from our thoughts, in words and deeds, different attitudes that we bring to our daily lives for peace or for its absence, we can understand that not only meditation, prayer or invocation of the presence of someone superior can to bring the world closer or farther from peace, are attitudes that spring from the heart.

Thomas Aquinas established that faith is a supplement to reason, believing and having hope mean an attitude of faith in a better future, in times of pandemic and its consequences can be more difficult positive attitudes if we think only individually, but if we understand that it is a social problem and it is up to everyone to collaborate and deepen bonds of solidarity and mutual help, so that we can walk and evolve towards peace.

The difficulty in understanding these values ​​is because we focus on our little world around us, instead of listening to broader voices that cry out for Peace and solidarity all over the world, it is also necessary to give a voice to those who are close and ask for greater collaboration, As the Bible warns Lk 4:24: “I tell you the truth, no prophet is welcomed in his own country”, everyone thinks because he is an ordinary person that his words are worth little or that they should not be taken very seriously, according to this In this passage, right after reading the passage from Isaiah in which Jesus confirms his mission (to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind and to proclaim the Good News to the poor) the people of his city Nazareth said: “Is not this the son of Joseph? “, so could the common people not spread and spread the good news and herald peace.

It is from the ambitions of power and influence that the powerful increase conflicts and extend their networks, they do not bring greater solidarity or wisdom, they bring a confusion of ideas and the profusion of division within the social bosom in situations of conflict and misunderstanding.

Peace needs a pause of solidarity, the recognition that even being in a lesser condition of strength, it also has its right to a healthy life and social peace.

War is always a contradiction of what is just and good for everyone, it is thus a one-sided view of the truth that in general ignores the desire and thought of the simple person.



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