Post-God or the Theocide attempt

11 Oct

More than the reading of Nietzsche on the “death of God”, understanding religious radicalism, in addition to the evangelical, there is the Semitic, the Islamic and neo-Pentecostal currents, the reading of Post-God is actually a re-reading of the issue of evil or more correctly “God is dead, and we killed him”, what I call the attempt at Theocide, impossible, whether it exists or not.

If God exists, he cannot be killed, just erased from the human mind, in the logic of Ludwig Feuerbach’s Hegelianism he exists only in the human mind and in this case he would not exist in fact and if he exists, we cannot kill him since he is immortal and precedes everyone and to everything.

Peter Sloterdijk in part of the proposition and of course of the hypothesis that it only exists in the human mind, a delusional fantasy of men, say many convinced atheists, since the Gnostics do not consider the hypothesis, the most important living German philosopher (I consider the pope emeritus also important), will analyze, in addition to Nietzsche and Cioran, Luther’s intermezzo.

Luther is particularly important because he is the undeclared root of Nietzsche’s thought, son of Lutheran parents and relatives, some pastors, the Protestant Reformation is fundamental to understand the religious phenomenon or the so-called “revenge of the sacred”, it entered the political scene .

The book, with this name will attract few Christians, has an interesting dialogue path that goes through Hans Jonas (The Gnostic Religion), Harold Bloom (Omens of the millennium), Franco Volpi (Nihilism), Sergio Givone (Storia della nulla), Ioan Culianu (The Tree of Gnosis) and Sylvie Jaudeau (Cioran or le deernier homme), all authors and exegetes of Cioran, who had a “disfigured” mystical experience of an atheistic, disenchanting and nihilistic nature.

Who was Emil Cioran (1911-1995), author who wrote from Nag Hammadi, a series of manuscripts found after World War II that killed more than 40 million lives in Africa 50 km from Luxor, in a large container of clay, numerous papyrus codices written in Coptic language and in great condition.

The great “Gnostic” library quickly spread among intellectuals, dating from about seventeen hundred years ago, therefore during the western emergence of Christianity, the author projects a mystical message for our current state.

This aura of “discovery” of Nag Hammadi remains until today, in fact it gave wings to what I call Theocide, taking it not only from minds but building a nihilistic “mystic” without God, but it does not escape what it is, a exotic nihilism.

Sloterdijk talks about despiralized asceticism, Cioran is also, the search for an asceticism without all this false diffuse radicalism, does not resist the slightest idea of ​​practiced principles, confuses everyone, and politics is also contaminated by it, the only possible way to everyone seems to be hate.

Hatred is the most vehement and efficient Theocide, where it entered, any possible asceticism left.

SLOTERDIJK, Peter. (2015) Post-God. trans. portuguese by Markus A. Hediger, Brazil, Petropolis: ed. Vozes.


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  1. O Teocídio e a comunidade dos eleitos « Blog Marcos L. Mucheroni Filosofia, Noosfera e cibercultura

    Tuesday October 18th, 2022 at 04:25 AM

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