Lei de Moore tem obstáculos

29 May

Moore’s Law was first established in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel in 1968 and in 1975 became an executive of the company.

The original article on the law, published in electronics in 1965, was focused on economic aspects related to the cost per transistor, previous technology and scale of the new technology that was the scale of the printed circuit board (SI), which grew from small-scale integration (SSI) to medium scale (MSI), then in the 70’s came to a large scale (LSI).

But now make chips smaller and smaller, keeping pace with Moore’s Law may be more difficult today than it was last year, said William Holt, executive vice president and general manager of Technology Manufacturing Group at Intel, in a speech Jeffries Global Conference on Technology, Media and Telecom in the second week of May, and reported in PC World.

“We are closer to an end than we were five years ago? Course. But are we to the point where we can actually predict the effect, we do not think so. We are confident that we will continue to provide the basic building blocks that allow improvements in electronic devices, “said Holt.

Intel still has the manufacturing technology industry’s most advanced chip today, but it was necessary to build many new factories to new process chips, using new materials such as tungsten and Germanium (Ge) to achieve the scale of 90 to 65 nanometers, and more recently the high-k metal gates, 45 nm and 32 nm.

The technologies below 22 nm (called Silvermont) already work with 3D structures but the future must be of graphene and quantum chips, to walk in walking speed that Moore’s law.


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