Posts Tagged ‘educação’

Educação e Complexidade

06 Apr

Dizer de maneira simples o que ele defende, toda síntese é um reducionista, mas poder-se-ia pensar numa mudança de paradigma onde no ensino as pessoas serão “capazes de compreender e enfrentar os problemas fundamentais da humanidade, cada vez mais complexos e globais”, a pandemia com certeza é um claro problema deste tipo.

O modelo atual leva a “negligenciar a formação integral e não prepara os alunos para mais tarde enfrentaram o imprevisto e a mudança”, novamente um exemplo aplicável a pandemia não nos adaptamos ao novo normal, porém a raiz de todo problema para o filósofo-educador Morin é que “o conhecimento está desintegrado em fragmentos disjuntos no interior das disciplinas, que não estão interligadas entre si e entre as quais não existe diálogo”, daí a dificuldade de se promover diálogo entre “especialistas” cuja visão é fixa e há uma “hiperespecialização”.

Quando Edgar Morin começou a escrever seu método, já era claro para muitos educadores que um novo modelo de educação deveria emergir, a Pandemia com uso de recursos online e também formas criativas de motivar e prender a atenção de alunos (na internet não se deve usar períodos longo, são cansativos e as pessoas saem) mostra bem isto.

O autor de “Cabeça bem-feita” e “Os sete saberes para a Educação do Futuro, Educar para a Era Planetária” lamenta, igualmente a “condição humana está totalmente ausente” no ensino: “Perguntas como o ´o que significa ser humano’ não são ensinadas”, de modo mais profundo e análogo Heidegger detectou uma ausência na filosofia da questão do Ser, claro que havia na filosofia antiga e no período medieval (a ontologia de Tomás de Aquino por exemplo), porém o Dasein de Heidegger, esse “ser-aí” ainda hoje, ligo e relido é mal compreendido.

Poderia ser perguntado o que é esse “ser” agora durante a Pandemia, algumas respostas são possíveis, mas inacabadas.


The knowledge necessary for the future

27 Mar

To inspire can read what’s even open format in MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education yes, and they read?) Morin of Work SevenKnowledge“The seven knowledge necessary for education of the future”, as he explains in the beginning it is not a content for any level of education, but know how to dribble in education teaching what is knowledge, because “given that we know that the key problem of knowledge is the error and the illusion” (Morin).

Why is this important? asks the author himself, and the answer is something entirely new even to some educators: “Because knowledge is never a reflection or mirror of reality. Knowledge is always a translation, followed by a reconstruction “of the author.

Traditional education only makes the construction, it is called-education: banking, basic, constructive or even dialectic, always incurs the same error: teaches “belief”.

You need to explain the perception of the phenomenon, which is primary, but hides the reality that we see, this is a clear example of the author, “as well as ultraviolet and infrared rays that we do not see, but we know they are there and impose us a view that its effects “and this perception needs reconstruction, needs to former complication and needs study and theory, in fact Violet is a good color to represent it, because” we do not see. ”

And so we know that there is no “there is no intrinsic difference between a perception and a hallucination”, here is the explanation of error and illusion.

Among the errors pointed out by the author, it is important for a globalized world, “Other error causes are cultural differences, and social origin” and thus can not read Arabic or oriental world with a perspective of the West, is a very serious mistake .

The second hole presented by the author is the “relevant knowledge,” we might add also relevant in the sense that knowledge is the source, but the author explains: “pertinent knowledge, ie knowledge that not mutilate your object. How come? Because we follow first, a world formed by the subjects. ”

The other five are simpler: the earthly identity (we are on the same planet), teach the ethics of “mankind”, teach uncertainties (to question), understanding and the human condition, that is a little more difficult, return this type of “knowledge”.

According to The Independent, Finland has just abolish the division of the disciplines, but in Brazil we still need decent pay teachers.


Braziliam School needs to enter the twenty-first century

26 Mar

Among the claims of June 2013 (Manifestations in Brasil), already forgotten and only disguised by state and federal outCenturyXXgovernments, is improving education and levels are worrying as we showed in the previous post.
Of every hundred students who entered the medical cycle in 2008, 35 did not come to an end in three years: repeated or just left school, among those who are just learning what it would be reasonable (target in the previous post) and this can be proven by IDEB index (Development of Basic Education), considering the faithful and not favorable to the government.
As this indicator, high school scores a by 2011, only 3.7 on a scale of 0 to 10, we could say fail or just bad, but even makeup, it has not improved in relation to past measures, what happens?
What was the make-up, was the group of 13 subjects in 4 areas of knowledge, poor or no read Morin, the transdisciplinarity is not so, read to enter the twenty-first century
The error is caused by a misunderstanding of the crisis of culture and thought that through, that would be to the unsuspecting only the super information, but there are also bad information or even the lack of information seen by some as “theories”.
Edgar Morin explains in his book To exit the twentieth century (or the Middle Ages), “The information in a totalitarian system, is not only a government information;. Is mainly a totalitarian government information Its characteristic is not only be subject the State from which the censorship results in subinformacão “and therefore not only the mainstream media manipulative no doubt, but we need channels ‘cultural’.
Morin adds on these points: “it lies in the conjunction of subinformação and the formation of pseudo-information, which provides an ideal image / legendary society” and this also means many skewed readings and unprepared social context.
Unlike Bauman, Morin believes that also in education the state should bet on educators with cultural and literary tradition and not just those who promote the culture of some current state, in the work he does hard against the states of left and right.
Edgar Morin, to leave the twentieth century, Rio de Janeiro, New Frontier, 1986. 346p


Activism and the economic crisis

24 Mar

DadosUniversitáriosEven considered that the INPE data (Brazilian National Institute of Education, Ministry of Research) may be exaggerated, the data say that young people between 18 and 24, who were enrolled in higher education were 15% in 2002, and must have passed to 29.9%, according to official data, in 2011, and should be getting in fact only 30% now in 2015.

Although the level of teaching quality is to be questioned, the fact is that those who read more, to better understand the reality and tends to be more critical, but most of those who extol this data forget the politizador role of social networks.

Activists are there protesting and this is independent of social class, the young case.

The other reason is forgotten the economic crisis, ignored by official data until last year, can not now be ignored, the growth has come to be celebrated by 7% grew in the wake of profligacy and easy credit, now must not exceed the 1% and can remain so for years to come.

So the fact that there was “growing” the possibility of rapid improvement in the standard of living of Brazilians, especially the younger ones, it becomes frustrating when unemployment levels reach rates of 12.4%, which is three times among older, so the society excludes youngs and olds over 50 years.

The data show that growth was in courses “in-person and distance” and although the official campaign talk of the growth of public schools, the numbers (data from Epoca magazine) does not indicate that this growth is significant, lack analyze the quality and who are freshmen, that is, if there is inclusion, that is for tomorrow.