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Smartphones catch fire?

11 Oct

No, of course great care must be taken as not to leave for long time in the making,samsungnote avoid turning on when there is too much variation in voltage, etc. but recently it happened some cases that drew attention.
The mobile technology Samsung Galaxy Note 7 caught fire in the US, despite the company having made a great product recall last month, and the case drew the attention of the company.
As the Commission of American Security Consumer Products (CPSC, acronym in English), in an official report last month (15/09) 26 incidents with burns had occurred in the United States, and the alert was triggered.
Complaints started happening last month, and were sales were immediately suspended in the 10 markets where it already sold, but Brazil had not yet received the product.
Samsung has received 92 reports of batteries overheating in the US, of which 26 are reports of burns and other 55 material damage, like fires in cars or garages, the CPSC advised consumers to switch off appliances.
Prior to these reports the number set of fire in smartphones in the world could not reach a dozen and many were cases of misuse, leave plenty of time plugged in or high voltage variations, it is not to cause any alarm.


(Português) As condições ambientais das cidades

30 Sep

An little item noticed, and that is part of IBEU report by the Centre of Brazilian Metropolises,ibeumunicipal_ambientais is environmental conditions, those who lived in wooded cities with rivers unpolluted across cities can say this, as good quality of life this item means.

Fortunately in 2,182 Brazilian municipalities (39.2% of the total) the conditions are very good in 1443 (25.9% of total) the conditions are good, giving a total of 65% of municipalities, but there are still 1,055 in average conditions and 788 in bad conditions of welfare environmental, leaving 97 in very bad conditions, respectively represent 18.9% (medium), 14.1% (bad) and 1.7% (very bad).

A dimension that we do not treat here, but consists of the reports are the urban public services, adequate treatment of water, sewage and energy, as well as adequate garbage collection, since more than 50% of poor municipalities presentation conditions or very bad in this type of service.

The work was coordinated by Professor Marcelo Gomes Ribeiro, and had the fellows Gustavo Henrique P. Costa, Breno Willians N. Machado, Marina Martins de Araujo, Vitor Vilar Dromond, Dayanne N. de Oliveira Gomes and Tatiane Castro Torres





Brazilian municipal elections and poverty

27 Sep

In the current context of the municipal elections, at which most of

Pres. Sarney City

President Sarney City

the candidates all over the country are debating proposals for cities and their management, the Observatório das Metrópoles promotes the release of the Urban Welfare Index of Brazilian Municipalities (IBEU-Municipal) with the purpose of providing another tool for evaluation and formulation of public policies.


The index shows a new survey on urban conditions of the 5,565 Brazilian municipalities, from the analysis of dimensions such as mobility, urban environmental conditions, housing conditions, collective services and infrastructure.


The Municipal-IBEU shows that among the greatest challenges in Brazil are the infrastructure and collective services. In evaluating the proper treatment of water and sewage, waste disposal and energy services, more than 50% of the municipalities are in bad conditions in these services.


The ranking of better cities in Brazil, in general smart cities with populations less than 17,000 habitants, concentred in São Paulo State is:


Municipal Code Name of the cities Code UF State of UF IBEU Ranking IBEU
3508207 Buritizal 35 São Paulo 0,951
3547650 Santa Salete 35 São Paulo 0,941
3553658 Taquaral 35 São Paulo 0,937
3513850 Dirce Reis 35 São Paulo 0,936
3547205 Santana da Ponte Pensa 35 São Paulo 0,936
3515657 Fernão 35 São Paulo 0,934
3500600 Águas de São Pedro 35 São Paulo 0,934
3540002 Pompéia 35 São Paulo 0,932
3103108 Antônio Prado de Minas 31 Minas Gerais 0,931
3557105 Votuporanga 35 São Paulo 0,931 10º
3158409 Santana de Cataguases 31 Minas Gerais 0,930 11º
3510104 Cândido Rodrigues 35 São Paulo 0,929 12º
3530003 Mira Estrela 35 São Paulo 0,929 13º
4202008 Balneário Camboriú 42 Santa Catarina 0,928 14º


Among the 15 Brazilian cities with better IBEU index, 12 are in the state of São Paulo, two in Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina, but between the capital Sao Paulo is only 12th.

Among the worst the city President Sarney in Maranhão State is more poverty,  with rate is 0,444.


(Português) Religião, fanatismo e política

19 Sep

The beautiful book of the philosopher Spinoza (1632 – 1677) “Theological-Political Treatise,” 1670,laicoreligioso is already in his time, the religious question seeing it as an excuse, that men used to hide their power ambitions and domain, for “including theologians are concerned to know how to extort the Sacred Books their own fantasies and arbitrariness, corroborating them with divine authority,” it took me years to understand this.

In argument Spinoza, God being that he was a Jew and then to Christianity without being accepted in both God actually had nothing to do with it, were the men who wanted to lend their “convictions” to God.
Everyone is orthodox to himself, that is, it is considered the bearer of the true faith, which predisposes anyone toward the faith of others, it was born in his time the dispute between Lutherans and Catholics, which led to the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), but even without a peace and tolerance to the present day. So, you need to prevent a sure how this degenerating into civil war, but for the philosopher true religion was not attached to the power or wealth, nor the clergy of the domain, and other “lay” powers, and had nothing to do with the massacres.


Locke can be considered the first modern theory of separation of church and state, for it was to demarcate by law, definitively, the functions of the priestly world and the political world, otherwise the confusion between what concerns the Church and referred to the community, to this day still mixing the salvation of souls with the safety of the community and the state that represents it.


Luigino Bruni, an economist with a measure of religiosity, in his article “Common good and the economy: for an economy based on agape,” explained the difference between the common good and community and public, explains: “hi replaced by ‘public good ‘and’ Community ‘; closer observation of these concepts, however, reveals that its meaning is exactly the opposite of the traditions of the (economy) classical and Christian tradition of ‘common good’, given that both the ‘public good’ or the ‘Community’ they are essentially individualist, with no consequences for relations with the other during the consumption process. “See the article on these link.


Francis Bacon said that “shallow” philosophy leads to atheism, and deep religion, but it is necessary to overcome fanaticism and dogmatism.


(Português) Dora Ferreira da Silva: poeta-filósofa

14 Sep

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(Português) A esperança e as olimpíadas

19 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) Despertar o pensamento

17 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


I have good taste ?

10 Aug

I see in a lot of cars this phrase (in brazilian cars), and I began to wonderIhaveGoodTaste. what it would take a large number of people of all social classes, parties and religions to begin to put this in the car, I asked a few people and the response was not convergent.
I remembered again the book is not finished in Theodore Dalrymple holidays: “Our culture … or what’s left of it,” which states that political, economic and cultural factors began to destroy our culture … or what’s left of it.
Thought is an unconscious but important reaction because something is bothering us as much as injustice (theft, corrupt, abuses, etc.) and the economic crisis.
Our notion of aesthetics and beauty seems changed, not just the one that selects colors and races, but in any race or color what really means the beautiful and the good.
The question of aesthetics is linked to contempt for the poetic, the imagery (and imaginary) and more deeply the concept of lost aesthetic since the beginning of modernity, this requires a deeper study of what we think of everyday life: a harmony to (in ) Being.


Opening of the Olympics game and Brazil´s view

05 Aug

Unlike the World Cup, the Olympics inspire me little, but I fear that the openingCaravels party can today be a fiasco, because we have a reading of aliens our own culture: mulatto, indigenous folklore and Northeast and perhaps something of European miscegenation, but what is the reading that we do in our society?

I remembered the book Theodore Dalrymple: “Our culture … or what’s left of it,” not finished reading the holidays because they were short of all but one chapter of the psychiatrist and writer caught my attention: “How to read a society”.
Starts counting the period went to the Iron Curtain and was carrying a book La Russie Marques de Custine published in 1843, and that made me see that under the then Communist world was a Russia was a country originates, since all early part of the book was to describe the origins of Russia and second, the author gives you clues of the true Russia.
I think it’s possible this reading to Brazil, if we think of the colonial divisions of hereditary captaincies, the purpose of the Olympics found curious caravels coming arrival of the Sagres School, who knows we may present something more dignified than in the World Cup.


Step six pages of communism, to the party that will describe the work of Alexis de Tocqueville published in 1835: Memoire sur le Paupérisme published shortly after his famous Democracy in America.

As a doctor used to go on the outskirts, he points a Tocqueville paradox when visiting England, the country of Dalrymple, a sixth of the population were beggars, he “found not only the physical filth, but also emotional and moral degradation” (p. 218).
The parallel between the authors Custine and Tocqueville’s view on companies apparently parallel the same interaction “between cultic, political regime and human character” (p. 219), and maybe this will help read the Brazilian society.


In presenting picturesquely our culture, we removed the cultural dignity of indigenous, black and also Europeans and migrants who have made this their country, Brazil beautiful and so has their culture is under the rubble since the arrival of the caravels to politics current, on the outskirts abandoned to their fate


(Português) Drones delivery

04 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.