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(Português) Porque o Whatsapp quase parou

18 Dec

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Ciência Aberta e Redes sociais

26 Nov

Ciência Aberta (Open Science) é referente a uma nova tendênciaCienciaAberta na prática científica, que a partir do desenvolvimento e com apoio da cultura digital, disponibiliza informações e dados em acesso aberto de forma oposta a pesquisas fechadas em grupos e laboratórios.
Neste contexto a revisão por pares, como o Peerage of Science, o arXiv e a a PLoS confirmam essa tendência que agora desponta também nas redes sociais.
Um exemplo do uso de redes sociais foi o estudo antimalária do pesquisador americano Jean-Claude Bradley e seus alunos.
Eles compartilham informações sobre tudo o que produzem na pesquisa da Drexel University, na Filadélfia, cujo objetivo é desenvolver compostos orgânicos úteis para a prevenção ou para a cura dessa doença que mata mais de 1 milhão de pessoas por ano no mundo.
Bradley usou o modelo de “wikis” para desenvolver o compartilhamento de dados em redes sociais, e foi na esteira desta pesquisa que nasceu o Creative Commons – fundado em 2001 nos Estados Unidos, visando ampliar o compartilhamento e uso do conhecimento por meio de licenças que que liberam o copyright (todos os direitos reservados) em áreas exclusivas para discutir ciência.
A USP realiza nestes dias o o Encontro de Ciência Aberta, com diversas oficinas, palestras e uma mesa redonda para ampliar este horizonte no país passar a incorporar a iniciativa internacional chamada OpenCon.
As inscrições são gratuitas, com oficinas na ECA, CCSL na Matemática da USP e no Garoa Hacker Club.


(Português) Google maps off-line disponível

12 Nov

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Youtube launches “red” version

22 Oct

A paid version without ads left the suspicious digital world, is it the first step REdTubeto collect the famous application videos? Bought by Google, by chance or not the company released the name of a site adult site (RedTube), without this being explained in a reasonable manner to the public.

An executive of the seeker, said the product “is challenging,” but did not explain what was in fact the choice of color for the site, in a press conference, he said: “As we talk to users and fans in our studies, the term ‘red’ was often associated with YouTube.

He has a lot of meaning in terms of love and also the red carpet, “which is interesting but does not seem to explain a lot.When asked about the other site said emphatically: “We are not concerned with the other site,” it seems that the company believes may modify the “mark”.

The site The Next Web, the name associate a search by “Red” and “Tube” would fall in this service, but actually link these two things is not a happy idea.


(Português) Skype vai liberar chamadas

21 Oct

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Aiding transparency on the Web

19 Oct

A second-generation tool, called Sunlight is being developed to enable SunLightgreater transparency in the use of personal data on the Web.

Such as Web browsing is becoming easier day, and every day the corporate monitoring our emails and habits are more and more exploited, the tool developed in the Engineering Department of Columbia University, USA, is to prevent and warn how and when our data are being used..

According to Roxana Geambasu, scientist at Columbia and Data Science Institute, “The Web is like the Wild West,” where “there is no oversight of how our data is being collected, exchanged and used,” and falling into the wrong hands can be used against us.

According to Daniel Hsu, another researcher of the group, the tool is the first to analyze numerous inputs and outputs together to form hypotheses that are tested on a separate set of data selected from the original.In the end, each hypothesis, and its input and output is switched on, is classified for statistical and second confidence Hsu “We are trying to find a balance between statistical confidence and scale so that we can begin to see what is going on across the Web as a whole “.

The researchers set the texts from 119 Gmail accounts, and for more than a month last year, sent 300 messages with sensitive words in the subject line and email body, and found, for example, crossing words “unemployed” , “Jew” and “depressed” were used to stop trigger ads for “easy auto financing.”

The tool of course, does not solve these problems, only denounces the existence of these cases.


Tool to develop software

06 Oct

A tool developed at Washington University to improve collaborationCrystal between software developers was evaluated by a team of software engineering research, as one of the most important trbaallhos the past five years, according to the website of UW.

Recognition of this important study was done both in the industrial field conducted by Microsoft Research Ecomo in the academic field from the University of Singapore Management, who asked more than 500 software developers to assess the relevance of this work by applying it to 571 research projects .

The largest number of respondents rated the UW project, as the tool that generated more collaboration tool Crystal (Crystal), Tuning its to a complement “essential” for the practice of software development.

The UW research team is led by Professors Michael Ernst and the late David Notkin to amplar a way to help developers who are working on a team that can make parallel changes without being in conflict with each other.

Crystal is like a merger in the changes of each software developer mode conflicts become apparent and can be quickly resolved.

Crystal avoids wasting time returning to the code to fix conflicts and problems after the fact.


(Português) A caixa de som da Samsung

01 Oct

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Facebook goes down

28 Sep

An instability that occurred in much of FacebookFacebookOut worldwide on 28/09 in Brazil near the time of 16:05 p.m. Brazil (14:05 p.m. USA), paralyzed the services leaving the API (the service login interface) down.

The Facebook said: “A broad question with Facebook is leaving the API Facebook unavailable search engine We are working with our central infrastructure teams to identify the issue and we will update them when we have. More information”, said the Benjamin Golub Facebook enginner.

The fall of the service had already taken place last week, but was shorter, now users reported longer instability for both accessing the social network via computers as by the application, the 17h17 pm (15h15 USA) was still unstable service


Um celular como um livro

23 Sep

Segundo o site SamMobile, o próximo lançamento da Samsung para janeiro novosamsung de 2016 não deverá ser um Galaxy S7, mas com tela flexível (já estão no mercado) e parecido a um livro. Fontes que vasculham projetos, afirmam ter conhecimento profundo do dispositivo, disseram que está sendo desenvolvido sob o codinome Projeto Valley, conforme o MailOnline.

E acrescentaram que duas versões do telefone estão sendo testadas, uma com um processador Snapdragon 620 e outro com um Snapdragon 820. Em outra parte, o dispositivo é rumores de ter 3GB de RAM, um slot para cartão microSD e uma bateria não-removível. Já a Samsung disse ao MailOnline que não comenta rumores ou especulações.

A Samsung tem apresentado telas OLED dobráveis já a dois anos e no CES em 2013 revelou uma tela Oled flexível chamado Youm.

Vamos aguardar, porém isto com certeza poderá trazer inovações de leitura e escrita, já que também o uso de light-pen, as canetas estão sendo investigadas pela Samsung.