Arquivo para January 14th, 2025

Why evil has spread

14 Jan

It’s true that evil is the absence of good, as Augustine of Hippo interpreted the essence of Being, which is good, and its absence as what produces it. In our previous posts, we also discussed the cardinal virtues, stating that in addition to Justice, which is relatively little thought of these days, there is prudence and wisdom that should accompany them.

The theological virtues: faith, hope and love should accompany them, but they too have been compromised by the absence of wisdom, rather than disinformation and post-truth, it is a time of ignorance and ignorance, even elementary school ignorance.

Power too, through structural values and authoritarian ways of exercising it, contributes to intolerance and contempt for knowledge and moral values.

Prudence and tolerance then become essential, not secondary virtues.

There is no hope, no love and no faith where intolerance and exclusion are part of everyday life and unfortunately this discourse is even on the lips of those who speak of Love, respect for the Other and inclusion.

his happens because relationships are dualistic and not trinitarian, there should be a third party included in addition to me and the Other, and this has already been discovered in quantum physics as a principle even of matter, so it’s not just divine, it’s reality itself.

At various times in our history, it has been through violence that empires and dictators have imposed their wills and ideologies, not without the consent of a large part of the population, which is why we remember bad education, whether through propaganda campaigns or through poor and ill-formed schooling, the two issues are linked.

We therefore need to be attentive to management at all levels, from our homes, neighborhoods and condominiums to power structures, small illegitimate actions, education for empathy, coexistence, cleanliness and even leisure must be observed and guided by managers and public bodies in order to preserve the common space and public goods.

The zeal for honesty, transparency and respectful dialogue between opinions that are not necessarily opposed, but different, albeit in completely divergent directions, should not be a reason for hatred and violence; dialogue is always possible.

Evil needs polarization, dualistic radicalization (in denial, there is a good sense in going to the root of a problem), but pure disagreement as a way of justifying and spreading violence is just an arrogant form of power.