Simbolismo of Evil construction
You have to understand the possibility of truth and hermeneutics, understood as the search for a truth outside of relativism, of Manichaeism and ambivalence, Ricoeur says it takes an act of confessing the “symbol” and the act of confession and “this confession is word, a word that man speaks about himself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 167) and that means recognizing a fault linked to Augustine of Hippona, the guilt of an” absence of good. ”
Thus the symbolic hermeneutics of evil, expressed precisely a divide separating and aggregates, the man fallibility and guilt: the possibility of falling and the effective fall.
But because it is symbolic because it is the possibility of bankruptcy, means the structure of human reality that because of their lower resistance, offers a point of vulnerability that allows evil (Ricoeur, 1981, p. 159), and this limit means :
“… To say that the very limitations of a being that does not coincide with himself is the weakness originates from which emanates evil. And of course, evil does not precede this weakness but it ‘if põe’. This paradox is the symbolic center of evil (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 162).
E le reveals this weakness, being the finitude and infinitude, dating back to Descartes (see Cartesian Meditations Husserl) but that it contains the finite understanding of man and the infinite will, be nothing before and nothing before of being in this sequence .
This is where the ontology ricoeuriana points a new way, as it is essential for him to be on the Other, expressed in various works: otherly and the Other with self, he unveils definitely in this work, this intermediate characteristic “it is precisely in its act of existing identity and the act of performing mediations between all types and all levels of reality in and out of itself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 27).
The paradox between finite-infinite is precisely to have “a global view of their non-coincidence with itself, its disproportion, which conducts mediation because there” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 28), and for this disproportion is that “converts the human limitation in synonymous with’falibilidade'” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 150).
But we can not fail and go bankrupt, that is, redirect to infinity after the fall.
RICOEUR, Paul. The symbolism of evil, 1982