Quantum physics and politics

24 Sep

Mechanical physics, especially the celestial mechanics of Sir Isaac Newton, took the idea of ​​cause and effect in the same proportions of a mechanical machine, it is said popularly to each cause there is a contrary reaction in the opposite direction, it was for politics as ” man werewolf “of Hobbes.

Then came the empiricism of Hume, in fact it is more connected to the theory of knowledge, which comes from the idea that I can only say something from my sensory experience, just as mechanicism, all knowledge and object of it is out of being and only there are perceptions. With politics, it is what the masters of political marketing exploit, working with people’s emotions so as not to give them a reference to the truth, but to deceive them.

The critique of this political “philosophy”, since the subject is more comprehensive, comes from the middle ages where in 1200 it was already defined as “state science”, but all criticism of this set of empirical and idealistic ideas is called Empirical-criticism,

Marx developed it but later was updated by the Microphysics of Power, the idea no longer of the state but of the power that constitutes the “individual”, which Peter Sloterdijk, Gadamer, Ricoeur and others consider already already surpassed.

If we want to adapt the quantum physics of the physical world to the world on the human scale, which is ontological, we can think that there are two possible, more democratic strands that lead to the understanding of the world as Nature and the other as the search for “the Just” .

John Rawls, Habermas and Michael Sandel, all still strongly influenced by so-called “critical theory”, and in the matter of Nature thoughts Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Norberto Bobbio, Phillip Pettit, Robert Nozick, and of course there is others.

The assertions of quantum physics with the infinitely small (the particles) and the infinitely large (the bodies in the universe) change our idea of ​​causality, in politics of which the winners tell the story, for in quantum physics the energy dimension, mass and energy that is 94% of the universe, and has an influence on it, would be an approach of the collective unconscious, the forces that do not appear and that influence the political process, present in the “unconscious.”

Another important part is that the observer’s gaze defines reality, so the suspect idea of ​​neutrality has been overcome, Werner Heisenberg, Eugene Wigner, Roger Penrose, and Erwin Schorodinger have developed this quantum view.

In politics it means that the sight of simple people does influence politics, education is essential to democracy, and only manipulating it into a disaster


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