Arquivo para August, 2015
The future of the Internet is social
Fear and ignorance of the technology produces an technophobia that prevents them from seeing the great strides that the internet and other technologies provide, a recent study published in the IMDEA site shows that the future of the Internet is social.
The work was done by IMDEA Networks Institute who announced the successful completion of its Content Distribution Research projects done by the European Advanced Institute of Social Information (eCOUSIN – enhanced Content Distribution with Social Information).
The findings of the project gather data from the purpose of the research, the agreement made between employees of the European Commission that it had as main objective to create an innovative network architecture that improve the efficiencies of online social networks, as well as provide a quality experience users.
The idea of the project was to explore the growing popularity of social content online and their interdependencies, focusing on data collection and analysis, the scalability of the network infrastructure, connecting features related to the contents, and guided by social information through algorithms projects.
Nine partners from six countries and four universities participated in the project, including IMDEA based in Madrid, which contributed passive and light measurement tools, performance models, and predictors of mobile networks, as well as algorithms for resource allocation optimization.
The ethos, the nature and the Self
The anthropocentric concept of ethics comes from the Greek ethos which means somehow culture, customs, basic habits that are reflected in institutions and affairs of the day and day values, ideas and beliefs of a certain community, time or territorial region.
The sense of territory could be confused with another ethos which is the abode of the Self, but for the Greeks who we are and where we live had a significance attached to the Other and Nature herself, a sense of “home” broader than what today We know it would be a Being-being.
This ethos reaches nature and therefore is not anthropocentric, we could decipher it as harmony and in a way that is what worries the Papal Encyclical “Laudato Si”, which is a concern “About Care Common Home” and this refers Nature and climate.
Disharmony and the rapid environmental deterioration reach around the globe and this is also concern of many current thinkers have written a post about the book “The world has no more time to lose” and wish to draw attention to the end of the Paris meeting the year and has already mobilized many social forces.
Walking through forests, allowing in natural spaces ecosystems develop, allow wild animals to live in their habitats, it seems every day more impossible, but there is something to directly affect humanity the effects of weather and water.
Our Being feel it, but to understand this One must understand that nature has “soul” and perhaps this anthropocentrism barrier has to be overcome: harmony of our “house”.
O oitavo saber: a fraternidade ecológica
Edgar Morin, além Cabeça bem feita (1999) e dos Sete Saberes Necessário a educação do futuro (2000), que apontam para uma revolução paradigmática no pensamento, Morin acrescenta agora no livro e Myron Kaufman “Morin – Do big bother à fraternidade” um oitavo saber necessário: a fraternidade.
Seguindo a lógica do pensamento de Hubert Reeves (2002), que propõe que sejamos os artesãos do oitavo dia, Edgar Morin afirma a necessidade de acrescentar aos sete saberes um oitavo: a pedagogia da Fraternidade Ecológica.
Três pilares bastante simples podem definir esta fraternidade ecológica, como um sistema vivo e não um sistema autômato ou automático, são elas:
O princípio da convivência, ou seja, toda relação humana implica num modelo de convivência de certos valores, formas de organização e normas para enfrentar conflito, expressar sentimentos, resolver expectativas sociais e educacionais, de modo a con-viver.
O princípio do diálogo, que significa que olhar com atenção e respeito ao discurso alheio, verificar as condições de possibilidades, e, finalmente, o ato de dialogar aumenta e favorece a atenção sobre várias coisas, ajudando-as a vê-las melhor.
O princípio da sabedoria está ligado ao amor e o cuidado com a Natureza (e os Outros é claro). Para cuidar dos seres da natureza o homem precisa conviver e conhecer os fenômenos, com pressuposto de uma escuta sensível, não ignorar a complexidade de algumas coisas, e aprofundar a relação consigo mesmo para aceitar a convivência no respeito e na fraternidade.
Quem quiser começar lendo o livro Cabeça-bem-feita, encontra-o na Web.
O nascimento do homem e o espiritual
Acredita-se que o homem tenha nascido entre 400 e 100 mil anos atrás, ou melhor, para os que acreditam que evoluíram a partir dos primatas, seria este o período do Homo Sapiens.
É ao menos curioso, que apesar de nossa rejeição da técnica, a classificação e sua evolução seja justamente em função do uso de determinadas técnicas, foi o dinamarquês Christian Thomsen, num livro publicado em 1836 que classificou nossa “pré-história” em: pedra lascada, pedra polida, bronze e ferro.
Dois estudos são bastante indicadores que talvez esta “pré-história” não seja exatamente como pensamos: os estudos de Stonehenge e a descoberta recente da caverna de Chaveaux.
Tanto o monumento de Stonehenge quanto Chaveaux, demonstram que o homem primitivo já tinha concepções estéticas e espirituais maiores do que pensamos, o jornal inglês The Guardian fez uma reportagem para dizer que a realidade da história de Stonehenge, segundo pesquisas atuais é muito maior do que se pensava.
A caverna de Chaveaux, filmada pelo cético Werner Herzog em um documentário chamado A Caverna dos Sonhos Esquecidos, mostra uma realidade ainda maior, calcula-se que seja datada de 30 mil anos atrás e além da beleza estética das pinturas encontradas ali, também uma realidade subjetiva de espiritualidade aparece ali, chamada no filme de Herzog de Homo Spirituales e que está documentado pelo History Channel.
As crises climáticas e o homem
O desconhecimento da própria natureza e da natureza que é exterior ao homem é o que propicia a má relação com a técnica, que não é outra coisa senão a outra coisa que as formas de superação da própria natureza e de “dominação” da natureza exterior ao homem.
Primeiro porque a natureza exterior precede ao homem, enquanto a Terra tem bilhões de anos, a vida do homem no planeta data de aproximadamente apenas 350 milhões de anos, a vida primitiva começou antes no período entre 2.5 bilhões de anos e terminou há 554 milhões de anos chamado de Periodo Proterozoico, quando havia oxigênio e as primeiras formas de vida unicelulares, logo em seguida já ocorreu a primeira “crise climática”.
Pode parecer estranho chamar o período em que o oxigênio começa a existir ainda em níveis precários, e isto tornar-se “uma crise de poluição”, mas o oxigênio é um destruidor poderoso de compostos orgânicos, várias bactérias são destruídas por ele e isto obrigou uma “volução” pois os organismos vivos tiveram que desenvolver métodos bioquímicos para reter o oxigênio, um destes métodos foi a respiração aeróbica.
Os períodos entre que se seguem entre 542 milhões e 251 milhões de anos atrás, aproximadamente, são denominados: Neoproterozoico, Proterozoico, e Mesozoica., depois divivdem-se em períodos Cambriano, Ordoviciano, Siluriano, Devoniano, Carbonífero e Permiano, os dois últimos nos interessam.
O Carbonívero (Figura) ocorreu entre 360 a 286 milhões de anos durante o Paleozoicoo, foi o período de formação do ovo amniótico, que permitiu a formação do meio terrestre de determinados tetrápodes, que devido os 4 pés ou patas, permitiu a exploração do meio terrestre.
A segunda grande crise climática acontece no fim do período Permiano, entre 286 a 245 milhões de anos, foi o último período da era paleozoica, quando ocorreu uma grande extinção talvez a maior registrada na história da vida da Terra, dando origem do Triássico, a idade dos dinossauros.
A terceira crise climática foi a chamada era “glacial”, foi depois dela que nasceu o homem nos últimos 30 mil anos da história da Terra, o homem ainda é um bebe e a terra uma senhora.
OLED technology arrive in Brazil
OLED means Organic-LED (LED – Light Emitter Diode) are electronic devices, but the technology applied to organic materials have two advantages are less harmful and anti-ecological, and allow the screens to be flexible.
The first observations of electroluminescence in organic materials were made in 1950 by André Bernanose and colleagues at Nancy University in France in 1960 Pope Martin and colleagues at New York University have developed injecting electrodes ohmic contact from organic crystals and in 2010 is published an article (Recent Advances in White Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices (WOLEDs) “. Advanced Materials 22 5) on OLED” white “allowing this technology on an industrial scale.
OLED TVs now come on the market in Brazil Samsung already sells these devices enable higher image contrast than LCD backlit by the Electroluminescence (common) that may make them thinner and economic.
The OLED 3D Curve Smart TV 55 “Wi-Fi, 4 glasses, 4 HDMI and 3 USB ports is on the domestic market of around R $ 6,200.00 in Brazil, still’re face to the national pocket.
The root of the crisis is moral
At the beginning of the current Brazilian crisis, I heard of a deputy to the Brazilian crisis was political, and that left the core support for the government, watching the unfolding of the crisis and seeing the attitude of government and opposition, now part of “part of the base support “from the government, with which he was elected, we see that there is a deeper crisis that is moral.
In any government in the world, corrupt when they were arrested, one of them in the middle of a government meeting in Ukraine, shock the society, but besides the lawyers are the few who venture to defend the treacherous, corrupt and intermediaries of public money, but here in Brazil is not the case.
Our motto is for all friends to enemies the law, if a friend we say that was the press is terminated, we need to establish the facts right, despite the billions and billions that every day appear in the accounts of these gentlemen ” worthy “defense.
Another fundamental problem is the lie, now do not deal with electioneering lies, that would be on its already odious, but there are those that even with some cynically say: crisis crisis, the problem comes out, we’re doing our best, etc. . etc.
Do not stop spending with bombastic programs with easy public money, why not just raise taxes, fines and so many ways to withdraw some money with inflation bordering on dangerous double digits.
But rest assured that the crisis is moral is the speech of sectors that should represent some moral reserve for the Brazilian people, and combine the greatest evils of Brazilian politics, free trade positions and salaries, agreements to rid corrupt and corrupting justice and a number of actions tit tat that deplete the moral reserve of the country.
Even the defenders of morals and good customs say, embark on the type appeals to other could be worse, which is worse than unemployment and inflation, free trade positions as political bargaining and mismanagement of public funds .
Lack leaders with moral reserve that say an end to the embezzlement of Brazilian politics.
Windows 10 e cuidados
A Microsoft anuncia que já passou de 14 milhões de downloads (gratuitos) do Windows 10, há pouca análise do software ainda, o meu é recém instalado, mas já aparecem alguns problemas que requerem cuidados do usuário.
A Talos da Cisco, afirma que já há alguns crimes se aproveitando da novidade para sequestrar arquivos usando um tipo de ataque de vírus conhecido como ransomware.
Os ataques vem com e-mails que prometem uma atualizada agilizada e que precisaria entrar numa fila para obter o sistema gratuito para Windows 7 e 8.1, e então tiram proveito que vem em um arquivo escondido na resposta da Microsoft pelo email, e é tão inteligente que vem com um texto que imita garantias de escaneamento antivírus.
A única maneira de conseguir o o Windows 10 é pelos canais oficiais da Microsoft, que não está distribuindo o sistema por e-mail.
Na dúvida, ao receber qualquer e-mail do tipo, delete a mensagem.
Schools debate use of technology
A brazilian debate on the technology emerged in the television media and it struck much of the population as this medium is still quite favorite among adults, but as always the debate is directed and made by some schools and some “experts”. There’s certain things well and so curious as: “a child can use the app for no more than thirty minutes,” but where they got it, actually vary from person to person, and the important thing is the conscious use, for example: “Son we combine a time” and negotiating. After the program cited an educational video game that would be used by 28,000 children again draws attention to the exact number, if they were 27 983 I believe, and then asks a mother of a child named Emanuelle approving. “She was not following the class, but with the use of the application, she had a much greater interaction and managed to get along fast results,” find curious the result, of course the stimulus is important, but it is true for the application as for a book. Then come the experts with a “magic number”, children up to two years should stay away from technology and then with a moderate use, is laughable, the limit should be the age of the child literacy, or until it has given skill . Now enter diseases: “More than two hours (they were not thirty minutes?), I consider excessive. And the company believes it has been researched (where ???), because they get to have a lot of symptoms. The child may have a headache, body pain, irritability, aggressiveness, low school performance, “explains neurologist Christian Müller, chutômetro, but his clinic will fill with patients. There repressive final sentence: “parents have to keep an eye”, then use the outdated technique of reward, said a father who gave away a gift tablet ..: ‘I said, man, is now’. If you throw the pacifier away, the Fairy pacifier will bring you a tablet ‘, the child opened the trash can in the store,’ Where’s my tablet ‘, “he recalled his father. I am a afixionado technology, I’m sure it is final and should be used by children, but the questions remain: at what age? how often? how many hours? something I’m also sure: it is not the same number for all. We need to take education seriously, very amateurish and guesswork
Is ended Bitcoin gold cycle ?
A year ago the bit had announced a sudden control of all your transactions, had suspended withdrawals on the grounds that it was necessary to correct a flaw that, among other possibilities, allowing someone with advanced knowledge change transfers completed to see covered in these as open causing values for the same transaction to be sent several times.
The suspension of withdrawals would be soon, but was followed for months on end, so that even last year there was a most unexpected event yet, Mark Karpeles, CEO of MtGox, main operator of Bitcoin, announced the departure of the board of Bitcoin Foundation but without giving details.
For some the news was a positive sign: leaving the board, perhaps Karpeles could focus on solving the problems of MtGox, but after a year the case now get to go to justice according to The Japan Times. Karpeles is with the arrest warrant decreed since yesterday, to have manipulated and diverted to their own tens of millions of dollars, much more than the $ 1 million that his arrest warrant, according to police sources said on Monday (03/08).
For the closing of the company MtGox affect as little as possible the Bitcoin ecosystem, CEOs of exchange services Bitstamp, Blockchain, BTC China, Circle, Kraken and Coinbase issued a statement together where they explain that the market continues to be reliable and which closing of MtGox is exclusively due to their mismanagement, the shares on show slight recovery.