Portuguese writer and brazilian faire

17 Sep

The international book fair of Ponta Grossa is an important event that is outside theGonçaloTavares traditional axis Rio-São Paulo, completed in 9/15 and some new features to stand out.

According to Efe Agency, one of them was the writer Portuguese, Angolan born, Gonçalo Tavares writes from 20 years, and says his challenge is the visual language, and literature for it is a way to “trace what can not see. ”

He sees in the literary field of new technologies, which is not the central theme of this art, for he sees that technologies do not “reinvent reading.”

The author of the acclaimed book “Jerusalem”, which is the ranking of Europe’s “1001 books to read before you die”, says having a sacred rhythm to write and takes refuge in his studio which for him is “a space of the 21st century where there is no connection with the world, with only the thoughts. ”

But there is another good story “Learning to pray in the age of technology” but speaks neither technology nor prayer, but something chilling to the limits of human experience, mapping the current era and then the disintegration of a man in we might call “demonic”, and showing us how it should learn to adapt in a world he can no longer dominate (hear a snippet of himself).

Saramago regarded him as the greatest of his generation, Tavarez is 43 years old today.


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