Arquivo para February 20th, 2019

Even waves can go to AI

20 Feb

The OpenAI project, although it is said to be “non-profit” and is really open, just enter the blog of the project to check the progress and the possibilities, in fact even pointed the experts when publishing a system that writes news / texts, theoretically fictions, but that can be classified as fake, or as they are being called: faketexts.  Also the code is open and available on the GitHub site for developers. 
Natural language processing systems can perform tasks such as answering questions, machine conversion, reading comprehension, and text summarization, which are already typically addressed with supervised learning in task-specific data sets, but text search in GPT2 is wider in quantity.
GPT2, the successor to the GPT that was just a producer of texts from basic texts, can now read up to 40 GB of existing text on the Web, and what it has produced frightens a little, for clarity, depth and worst of all, pure fiction or more clearly: fakes.
Among its syntactic characteristics, it is superior to others of the sort, writing passages that make sense with the previous text and maintains the style, without getting lost in long sentences. The problem is that it can generate fakenews that can now be longer, becoming faketexts, a report from The Guardian shows the novelty and the problems: